Page 8 of Hero Unbound

Becky rolled her eyes and handed the coffee cup to Eva. “I’ve known Theo my whole life and the guy is like a brother to me, but he is the very definition of the gruff and quiet type.”

Eva took a sip of the brew, fighting the urge to close her eyes in bliss. There’d been no breakfast this morning for her. She was saving the last of her peanut butter and jelly sandwich-making for later today.

“I didn’t expect him to be here this early. I was just poking around.”

“It won’t take you long to realize Theo is Mr. Responsibility. He’s been that way since he was a kid. Protective of everything and everyone—the town, the business, all of us.”

Eva wasn’t surprised to hear that at all. He obviously loved this place. Of course, what wasn’t to love? “It looks like the horses are all in good health.”

Becky sat down next to the dogs, not touching them. Eva appreciated that the other woman had recognized that Sugar and Spice were so timid.

Although timid wasn’t the word, was it? More like traumatized.

Either way, Becky was aware that the pups needed extra time to adjust to someone new. She just sat there holding her hand palm up on the ground in front of her, sipping her coffee with the other hand. Spice inched her way forward, wanting to sniff but obviously wary.

“They need time to warm up,” Eva said, heart clenching at the sight of her beloved dogs so scared.

“That’s okay.” Becky kept her voice even and soft. “Warm-up time is allowed for pups as beautiful as these. Did you adopt them from a shelter?”

“No, they’ve been mine since they were little.”

Becky looked up from the dogs, eyes narrowing slightly. “I see.”

Eva’s stomach clenched. Becky knew the dogs had been hurt in some way. She had to suspect it was Eva who’d done it. Eva prayed she wouldn’t ask. She wasn’t ready to tell the story.

She wasn’t even sure what the story was. Just like with her shoulder…she just couldn’t be sure.

Eva crouched down, and the dogs immediately ran over to her outstretched arms, almost stepping on each other to get close to her. They felt safest when she was touching them.

“They certainly love you.” Becky stood, wiping a little dirt off her pants. “That tells me all I need to know.”

Eva let out a breath she hadn’t even been aware she’d been holding. She needed this job. Needed the money. Needed time to figure out a plan, even though she had no idea how to start.

She and the dogs were away from Gareth. That was the most important thing. The rest, she would somehow figure out, while hoping Becky didn’t learn about her past, which would end this job pretty much instantly.

“Theo mentioned there were two other barns?”

Becky nodded. “The Mad Zoo is for small animals, and the other more for farmyard critters—sheep, goats, even a potbellied pig. Anything that can be used for therapy.”

“That’s pretty amazing.”

“Yeah. Animal-assisted therapy is pretty much a miracle to behold—helps with depression, anxiety, even dementia. I won’t lie, I get out here to watch it as often as I can. Kids petting and touching and riding… The smiles? There’s nothing like it. Adults too. It’s amazing.”

Eva worked her hand deeper into Sugar’s fur. She understood the peace only an animal could bring.

“This barn houses the horses. Sounds like you’ve already had a look over them.”

“You’ve got one pretty far along in pregnancy stages.”

“Wildfire. Yep. Another couple of weeks and we’ll have a foal. First one born here at LT, so everyone’s excited.”

Eva grabbed her notebook out of her back pocket and jotted down notes as Becky took her around to each of the horses and discussed their specific needs. She also recorded anything she saw that she could do, even if Becky didn’t mention it.

After a few minutes, she realized Becky was watching her. Eva held up the notebook. “Is this not good?”

“No, it’s fine. It just reminds me of my vet school days. Most vet techs I’ve worked with—granted, not that there have been many—merely use the notes I provide for them.”

Which would make sense. A vet tech should only be carrying out the instructions the vet gave them.