Page 31 of Hero Unbound

“I don’t think anyone would understand.”

He stroked a finger down her cheek. “It can’t hurt to tr—”

“Hey boss, I need to run over these spreadsheets with you before I leave for the week—” Tucker entered the barn, saw them, then stopped. “Never mind. This can wait. Sorry. Carry on.”

It was the break Eva needed. “No, it’s okay. I’ve got to go. Becky is making me go out with her and her friends.”

“Eva. Evie—” Theo reached for her, but she stepped away from his grasp.

“I’ll be back to check on the animals tomorrow.”

But she wouldn’t be back to talk about her past. Theo thought it would help, but she knew better. All it would do was make him realize exactly how much of a mess she really was.


“She needs that super-hot red lipstick. She’s got the coloring to pull it off. Plus, it will match Mom’s boots.”

Eva took another sip of her drink as Becky talked about her as if she weren’t there. For the past two hours, she’d become Becky’s science project. Granted, she had a martini in her hand as the transformation took place, but she wasn’t sure if the liquid courage was going to be enough to enable her to leave the house.

“Excuse me, the correct name for that color is not hot red,” Ella O’Conner said. “It’sfuck mered.”

Eva had to spit her drink into her glass to keep from spewing it everywhere as the other two women cackled hysterically.They hadn’t given her a mirror yet to see what she looked like, but the part of her shecouldsee—miniskirt and red cowboy boots—was already about to give her a panic attack.

“Your mom would love that Eva is wearing her lucky boots.” Ella leaned up against Becky, both of them studying Eva on the stool at the kitchen island where the metamorphosis was takingplace.

Becky grinned. “I’ll send her a picture. She’ll get a hoot out of it.”

“Why are they called her lucky boots?” Eva was afraid to hear theanswer.

“She wore them on her first date with my dad. Evidently, he couldn’t take his eyes off her the whole night.The fall of the mighty Zac Mackay.If I’m not mistaken, it led to a little bit of bow-chicka-wow-wow.”

Becky and Ella both started grinding as Becky sang the porn tune then burst into hysterics once again.

It was lucky they were within walking distance of the Eagle’s Nest since there was no way they’d be able to drive in their current state. Eva might not be quite as tipsy as Becky and Ella, but she definitely couldn’t get behind the wheel.

“I’msurprisedyour mom isn’t coming tonight,” Ella said. “I know my mom would be if she and Dad weren’t on that African safari.”

“I think they’re getting together at Uncle Finn and Aunt Charlie’s house. Mom says it was hard enough keeping Dad and the guys from being overprotective back when it was them having girls’ night out. She says it would be impossible to keep them from going all Neanderthal when it’s their daughters. Better to keep them away and distracted altogether.”

It was difficult for Eva to wrap her head around the fact that Cade Conner’s—one of the biggest country music superstars of all time—daughter was doing Eva’s makeup. While tipsy, no less.

“Have Charlie and Finn heard from Derek recently?”

Becky’s face fell. “No. Nothing. None of us have. Apparently he’s still doing his covert stuff in the Middle East, despite every single one of us telling him to come home. But his parents swore that no news is good news in a case like this.”

Ella wrapped her arm around Becky. “Want me to get Jess to push Ethan to find out news? I know he’s not active duty anymore, but he still has contacts in the Navy and I’m sure someone owes him a favor.”

“No.” Becky took another big sip of her drink. “I just can’t believe it’s been nearly a year since I’ve heard anything from Derek. His parents have gotten a few messages from him, but it’s like he’s totally forgotten I existed.”

Eva hated to see her upbeat friend look so sad.

Becky finished her drink and set it down with a flourish. “But I’m not thinking about any of that tonight. It’s girls’ night out, and all I want to do is have fun!” She pointed at Ella. “And you’re not allowed to think about you-know-who either!”

Ella took another sip of her own drink. “We both know Colton Harrison is a complete pipe dream for me, don’t worry.”

Becky giggled. “I know you’re dreaming about his pipe, but I don’t know that he’s a pipe dream.”

Eva almost spat out her drink again as both women laughed and clinked their glasses. She’d never had this—sitting around with girlfriends, about to go out. She’d been too young and studied too hard in college to ever want to go out much, then met Gareth just as she’d started vet school.