Page 104 of Hero Unbound

He rolled his eyes. “No. When she accused me of potentially trying to kill her, I finally got the message. She and I are done. She’s made that very clear.”

“Good. Then you stay the hell away from her.”

Gareth shook his head. “Listen, I’ve cared about her for a long time. A word of warning to you. She pulls you in with her big eyes and sad story then she drains you. If you’re smart, you’ll walk away from her before she walks away from you. It’s just a matter of time before she moves on from here like she did from me.”

“You let me worry about whether she’s a drain on me or not.”

He let out a sigh. “I really do understand. And look, if she stays and you’re willing to get her the help she needs, then I’m all for it. I’m truly not the bad guy here, despite everything she’s accused me of.” He stood up. “Excuse me while I use the restroom, then I’ll be gone. I shouldn’t have come here in the first place. I see that now.”

Gareth looked so fucking earnest and sincere, a tiny mix of hurt and confused thrown in. It was damned near impossible to know how much of that was legitimate. He gave Theo a small nod then headed toward the restroom.

Theo’s phone buzzed in his pocket. He got it out, relief striking him when he saw it was a text from Eva.

I’m sorry, but yesterday showed me that I can’t stay. This isn’t the place for me. Please take care of the dogs. They like it better here.

Theo read it once, then again. Eva was leaving without so much as a goodbye and not taking Sugar and Spice with her? He couldn’t wrap his head around it. He typed his response.

Don’t go. At least let’s talk first.

There’s nothing more to talk about. We both know I don’t deserve to be here after what I’ve done. I can’t be trusted. It’s better for me to go for good.

He could feel desperation clawing at him.

Evie, just wait. Let’s talk first. I need to see you.

There was so much he wanted to tell her. She needed to understand she wasn’t alone in this, no matter what.

No. It won’t work between us. I’m turning off my phone for good—don’t contact me. I need to start over. Take care of the dogs.

He stared at the phone in his hand, reading the words over and over. Dread sank deeper into his heart each time.

Gareth came out of the bathroom and walked back to the table to grab his paper coffee cup.

“I’m leaving, Lindstrom. Trust me, you won’t be seeing me again.”

Theo was still staring at his phone.

“Are you okay?” Gareth asked.

No. He most definitely wasn’t okay. He forced himself to shrug and nod.

Gareth stared at him for a long moment, waiting for some sort of response. Theo didn’t have one to give. Fighting with Gareth seemed pointless now.

“Whatever,” Gareth finally muttered then turned and walked toward the door.

Theo watched him then looked back down at Eva’s last words again.

I need to start over. Take care of the dogs.

Goddamn it. He flipped to Lincoln’s number and shot him a text.

Can you trace a phone that is turned off?

His friend responded almost instantly.

Legally or illegally?

That was answer enough for Theo. He took off out the door after Gareth, slowing his gait once he was outside so he’d reach the other man just as he got to his car and opened the door.