Page 46 of Change of Plans

She was like a feast in his arms, and he was a starving man sitting down to dine. He wanted to tell her this, but when he finally, finally, finally managed to drag his mouth from her chest, all he managed was a single sentence.

“I could do this all night long with you.”

She gave a shaky laugh. “Not me. I am not cut out for this prolonged Tantric-like foreplay. Does that apartment of yours have a bed? Because this is more serious than a hug emergency.”

He took in her flushed face and the way her pupils in her gray-blue eyes dilated when she caught his gaze and gave him a smile so smolderingly sexy the breath caught in his lungs.

“H-how serious?” he managed, his hands unable to stop caressing her breasts.

“Super serious. This is a full-on ‘better get me naked and in your bed’ type of crisis. The critical sort of emergency that involves you between my legs. For like a half hour. Maybe more.”

“Roger that.”

He’d leaned into her for another kiss when, suddenly, his truck horn sounded one long, angry blast.

She laughed in her full-throated, hot-as-hell way, her hands fixing her clothes as she collapsed off him onto the passenger seat. “Get me inside before we’re caught out here by the cops for indecent exposure.”

Kissing, they fell inside his garage, hands everywhere on each other. Clothes came off as they headed to his apartment, his shirt being the first to go, followed by hers as they stepped into his private quarters in the back. His mouth explored the curves of her neck and shoulders as he slammed the door behind them, hitting the light switch with his elbow as he dropped his keys onto the counter by the door.

“I cannot wait to get you into bed.” He used his hand to work on the clasp of her bra. It was black and lacy and he wished he had a moment to appreciate the sight of her in it, but then it was off, and he was glad it was gone. Her breasts filled his hands, the skin there exquisitely soft. She lay back on his bed and he followed, raining kisses across the silky expanse of her chest.

“Yes,” she hissed in his ear, her hands gripping his arms. He took her nipple in his mouth, teasing the flesh there with his teeth and tongue until he heard her groan. “Pants. Off. Now.”

He chuckled, switching his attention to her other breast, but at the same time unbuckling his own pants and hers. Thankfully, she helped, and soon her jeans were tossed to the side, revealing the most delectable pair of plum-colored lacy underwear he’d ever seen.

He groaned, levering himself up on his hand, pulling away from her kiss.

“Let me look at you. Jesus. Those panties are enough to kill a man.”

She gave a gasping laugh. “Want to see something better?” She lifted the leg opposite him, bending her knee until it was practically at her ear, and his hand skimmed down her smooth skin from her beautiful breasts to the sweet indent of her belly button to the lacy creation half revealing and half hiding the wonders beneath. “My toenail polish matches my underwear. Isn’t that fun?”

“Fun? Your English teacher was right. That word doesn’t even come close to describing it,” he growled, feeling like he might burst out of his jeans if he didn’t get them off, pronto. “Do not move. Not one inch.”

He twisted away from her to sit on the bed. Yanking up the cuff of his jeans on his left leg, he smacked the button to release the pin from the socket on his prosthetic. He slid it off, along with his right sneaker, followed by his jeans in two breaths. He’d begun to unroll the sleeve on his left thigh when he felt her hand.

Ryker froze. He’d hoped to get everything off and get back to business before she noticed. But as she sat up, he realized his expectation that she’d wait there, all docile-like, wasn’t realistic. Bryce, thank God, was anything but docile—she was the kind of woman who went after what she wanted, who was as fearless as any Marine in the field. It’s what he adored about her. But damn. Being vulnerable—revealing everything to her like this—was hard.

“You moved.” It came out sounding a little more defensive than he’d intended. He scrounged for more words. “I…have to take this off. So I can do the things I want to your beautiful body.”

Her cool fingers traced maddening patterns on his arms and then up his shoulders. Soon her lips joined in, and she was kneeling behind him, kissing his neck, her arms coming around his front, pressing her naked breasts into his back.

“By all means. You do whatever you want—limber up, do some stretching, whatever prep you need, I am here for it.” Her mouth found his ear, the one left ragged and uneven from the shrapnel from the IED—and she traced the notch there with her lips, trailing the tiniest kisses down to his earlobe, where she nibbled softly. He groaned as her breath fanned his neck, tickling there, as she whispered in his ear. “Because I have been waiting to get you all to myself in a bed for weeks, and I mean to make you put in some work. Maybe even some overtime tonight.”

He closed his eyes briefly in an attempt to slow the cranking gears of his lust at her words. Then, battling his self-consciousness, he eased the sleeve off.

Bryce stopped her attention to his ear and neck briefly to gaze down the front of him. She sighed, then twisted herself around him to sit on his lap. Her palm grazed the whiskers on his cheek as she cupped the side of his face to look into his eyes. He moved to kiss her, anything to distract from his awkwardness in this moment, but she held his face still.

“Your body is beautiful,” she said. “Every last inch of it.”

He exhaled in a whoosh, unaware until then that he’d been holding his breath, waiting for her reaction. Her word—the fact she’d called him “beautiful”—expanded and filled the lonely warehouse of his heart, bolstering and fixing all the tiny bits he hadn’t realized were lingering, broken and hurting, in there.

“I—uh, thank you,” he finally managed.

She placed a feather-light kiss on his lips, then his forehead, cheeks, and finally his chin, like some sort of benediction, before pulling away. Then she gripped his forearms.

“Now. Ryker Matthews, can we have sex? Or are you going to keep me waiting on your lap forever?”

In answer, he lifted her, spinning to bounce her back against his mattress. She laughed, shrieking in delight as he growled playfully, burying his face into her neck, moving his whiskered face across her skin there, kissing her until her laughs morphed into a long, low moan.