That’s a lie. You’re fucking over the moon that she won’t be running back to lock lips with Asher after you get back to Manhattan.

“I want to find someone who has the same goals as me,” she said quietly. “That’s all. Just a decent human with a nice smile and a good sense of humor who wants to build a life together and who won’t ghost me the next morning. Is that too much to ask?”

Usually Keaton would have made a joke, but she sounded so utterly dejected that he couldn’t bring himself to make light of the situation. Besides, if he claimed they were friends—which he did—then it was his job to act like one in this moment.

“Any man would be lucky to have you, August,” he said. “Don’t let one egomaniac dent your confidence.”

“Oh, you think it’s just one?” She let out a humorless laugh. “I wish.”

He raised an eyebrow.

“I once had a guy leave halfway through a date by telling me I was one of three dates he had lined up that night and I was too ‘pasty’ for him. Another guy said he would take me on a second the gym.” She ticked the experiences off with her fingers. “Oh, and then another guy said he didn’t believe women when they said they didn’t want to have kids, because they just hadn’t, and I quote, ‘found the right dick yet.’”

“Where are you finding these men?”


“Well, there’s your problem,” he said. “The internet is for trolls.”

“People don’t meet the old-fashioned way anymore. Dating apps are the norm now.” She huffed. “And yeah, I’ve been on dates with some more polite guys, but they weren’t much better in the end. A couple ghosted me for no reason. One guy at least tried to explain himself, but it ended up with the same result. I’m starting to think there’s something wrong with me.”

“There’snothingwrong with you, August. These guys, they’re just...” He made a sound of disgust. “Men are bastards.”

“Where do I find the ones who aren’t?”

“Why do you even want to date, anyway? People are awful.” Keaton wrinkled his nose. “They have emotions and they’re complicated and then in the end you die.”

She blinked. “Wow. I don’t even knowwhatto say to that.”

“It’s true.”

“Yeah, but by that logic you’d never do anything. Might as well not bother making any friends, because I’m going to die one day. Might as well not bother traveling or taking up hobbies or going on adventures because...imminent mortality.”

Wasn’t that exactly how he lived his life—without friends or hobbies or travel for pleasure?

“That’s a terrible way to live,” she said, without waiting for him to respond. “And I want to date because I’m lonely.”

The word was like a javelin being thrown right at his chest. It lanced him. Hit him somewhere soft that he’d beensurewas covered by armor only moments ago.

“You’re lonely?” he asked.

“Yeah.” She looked down. “Leah and Scout and Isla are all paired up now. Yes, I still see them all regularly, but I’m also conscious of not wanting to intrude on their time too much. And I see how happy and supported they are and... I want that. And I want to give those things to someone as well.”

This isexactlywhy you’ve been keeping her at arm’s length. You are the antithesis of what she needs. At best, you’re a distraction. At’re another scar on her heart. Another bad news story for her to share when she eventually finds The One.

The car ahead of them peeled off toward the large cabin where Scout, Isla and their husbands were staying, and he turned the opposite direction. The headlights glanced over trees and other vehicles, and after a moment, their cabin came into view.

He parked the car and killed the engine. Trying to gather himself, he wanted to say something meaningful. Something helpful. But August unbuckled her belt and got out of the car, a sniffle cutting through the night air.

“Shit.” He hung his head.

Why did he have to be so crap at dealing with emotions?

August strode up to the cabin and opened the front door, letting it swing shut behind her. An emotional August was totally outside the realm of his experience. For as long as he could remember, she was the girl with gold stars in her eyes. The ambitious, driven, stubborn one. Even as kids, if she fell, she would get right back up and dust herself off. She was quick to comfort others. Quick to show compassion.

But there was a guardedness in her. A protectiveness.

Did you have to besucha dick? Couldn’t you just say the things she wanted to hear instead of projecting your own issues onto her?