“I’m glad I didn’t wait that long,” he whispered, lowering his forehead to hers. “I’ve already wasted too many years.”

“It’s not a waste.” She cupped his face. “You needed that time to get to this place. To be ready.”

“Iamready, August. Ready to be with you. Ready to give you everything I have to give.” He swallowed. “Ready for forever.”

At that moment, Molly walked into the room just like he and Leah had planned. Oh boy. This was going to be the make-or-break moment. Could he pull it off? Would Molly execute the things they’d practiced? Would August say yes?

Molly trotted happily over to Keaton, a red ribbon tied around her neck with a small velvet pouch dangling from it. Her tail swished back and forth, and her tongue lolled out of her mouth. In his head, he begged the dog to be on his side.

“Molly, sit,” he said, and the dog plopped her butt on the ground. “Good girl.”

“What...?” August shook her head. “What on earth?”

“Shake.” Keaton held out his hand and Molly obediently placed her paw in his palm. “Now, drop.”

When he pointed to the ground, she lowered to her belly, allowing the little velvet bag to rest on the floor. He reached down and ruffled the fur on her head, giving her a hearty scratch behind the ear.

“Great job,” he whispered. “You are still the most excellent girl. Now, sit.”

She got back to her feet and looked at August as if to say,See! We’re friends now.

“I’m so proud of you both,” she said, clapping her hands together. “What a good team.”

Keaton reached forward to untie the velvet bag from around Molly’s neck. This next bit wasn’t something he’d rehearsed, however, since every time he even thought about it, he clammed up with nerves.

He opened the bag and produced a key.

August’s eyes widened. “What is that?”

“It’s for my apartment.” He let out a breath. “I want to share my space with you, August. I want to wake up and see you in my bed or in the kitchen or the shower. I want to come home and know there’s love waiting for me.”

She pressed a hand over her mouth, her eyes welling up again.Thiswas the most important shared goal of all—a house filled with love.

“I want those things, too.”

“AlthoughImight be the one waiting at home foryou, at least for a while, since I don’t have a job anymore.” He shot her a crooked smile. “Maybe I could cook dinner?”

She wrinkled her nose. “Or perhaps we could order in?”

Nobody deserved Keaton’s cooking.

He laughed, and the sound was rich and warm. “I love your blunt honesty.”

“And I love how strong you are.” Her eyes welled again. “Keaton, it’s... I’m so touched.”

“I love you, August. Ihaveloved you since before I truly knew what the word meant.”

“I have loved you for that long, too, Keaton.” She rose onto her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her lips to his. “Knowing we want the same things...it means the world to me. I’m sorry I didn’t kiss you that night.”

“Well, if you stop being sorry for the past, then so will I.”

“Deal.” A smile blossomed on her face and her eyes fluttered shut as he lowered his head to hers, lips clashing in a searching kiss. He held her tight, because in that moment it felt like he was a balloon about to float away and she was the thing tethering him to earth.

“Arwooooooooo!”Molly tossed her head back and howled, as if serenading the couple.

That’s when Leah poked her head around the corner of the living room door, a huge grin on her face. “Can I come in now?”

“You’ve been listening this whole time?” Keaton groaned. “I told you to go upstairs.”