“Thanks for coming over. I know you’re busy with work.” Leah eased into a chair at the dining table. A second later, Molly came back into the kitchen and went straight to her, sniffing around with her ears flicking this way and that. The dog fussed over her, worried.

As much as he hated Molly’s dramatics, it was clear she really cared about Leah and was a very good companion to her. For that, he appreciated the dog.

“I am always free to come help when you need it,” he said, leaning back against the countertop.

“Well, that’s a good thing.” She nodded. “Because I’m going to ask for a favor.”

“Okay. Whatever you need,” he replied without hesitation.

“You’ll want to hear me out before you commit.” She worried her bottom lip between her teeth. “And this is a request,notan obligation. You can absolutely say no. In fact, I fully expect it.”

“Just spit it out, Leah.” He was worried now. His sister, like him, was stubborn to the core, and this often manifested in her wanting to do everything herself, even when help was offered. The fact that she was asking for something meant it was important.

“So, remember how I told you that I’d entered Molly into that talent competition?” she began.

Oh no. Anything but that.

Molly lifted her head, her ears flicking at the sound of her name. Leah reached down to give her a scratch, and the big dog plopped her head on Leah’s thigh.

“Well, it’s next weekend.”


“In Upstate New York.”

Keaton scrubbed a hand over his face. There was no way Leah would have enough energy to drive herself up to wherever the heck this talent competition thing was taking place, let alone be able to wrangle Molly into behaving herself for the judges.

Now he understood why she’d told him to hear her out before he agreed to anything. “Leah...”

“It’s fine, Keaton.” She held up her hand. “It’s last minute and ahugeinconvenience. You’re incredibly busy with work. I totally understand. I’ll contact the people running the competition and let them know I won’t be there. It’s not a big deal.”

But it was a big deal. Because his sister didn’t ask him for a favor unless it meant something. Yeah, she got all gaga over the pink couch knowing he would buy it for her, but Leah was very careful not to ask for too much. Too careful, in his mind.

“It’s not so much the time. It’s more that...” He glanced at the dog. “Molly hates me.”

“Are you really worried about spending the weekend with a dog because she’s a little fussy?”

“A little fussy?” he spluttered. “That dog has it in for me. I’m not convinced she won’t try to kill me in my sleep.”

Leah shot him a look. Her hair looked a little greasy, like she hadn’t showered for a day or three. He bit back the urge to offer to get someone in to help, because Leah had already told him once she didn’t want a stranger in her private space and he respected her boundaries.

“And you thinkshe’sthe drama queen,” she said, rolling her eyes.

“And she doesn’t listen to me. Ever.”

“Have you tried, Keaton? Ask her to do something.”

He thought about refusing, but perhaps if he showed his sister justhowterrible he was with Molly, then maybe he wouldn’t even need to decline her request. His lack of talent would do it for him.

“Molly, come,” he said. To his surprise, and likely because the dog was more than happy to fuck with him, the husky came trotting over. “Sit.”

She sat. Her blue eyes gleamed and he would swear she was laughing at him.

“Lie down.” He pointed to the floor so it looked like he was making some effort and the dog did exactly as she was asked. “Roll over.”

Molly performed a perfect roll and bounded back up into a seated position, ready to be rewarded.

“See,” Leah said. “You’ve got all the basics down pat. I can show you the other things I’ve taught her. She’s very smart.”