“I’ll be a little late because of the lesson with Jamie, but would you mind waiting an extra hour?”

“Not at all.” Her smile returned. “I have plenty to do.”


From: Penelope Edgewood

To: Luke Edgewood, Izzy Edgewood

Date: October22

Subject: A ball and Peter Pan

I can’t believe I’m down to only six weeks left in Skymar! The time has gone by so quickly and, well, I’m not sure how I feel about it now that the end is closing in. It’s not that I don’t want to return home. I DO! I know I’m supposed to be back there, even if I’m struggling with that admission. It took going far away for months to realize that I really do love spending time with my family, and the comforts of home and The Ashby Theater and small-town Mt. Airy, but there are things here that I will miss terribly.

People I’m going to miss.

Matthias and Iris are at the top of the list. And Grandpa Gray. Those three, in particular, have become so very dear to me. What a strange thing, right? From the first meeting in the airport when Matt was all “Grumpy Gray” to now, when he’s the person I look forward to seeing most every day.

And it’s ridiculous really, because I’m not staying, but he makes me want to stay. I KNOW what that sounds like, but I can’t embrace the idea of it because I’m leaving. And long-distance relationships are hard. And I really like kissing, and there’s no way to do that long-distance. But would it be worth the long-distance non-kissing just to know he’s on the other side of the ocean loving me? Ugh, he probably doesn’t even think about me that way, but there’s something... I don’t know, in the way he looks at me now. Maybe he’s just grown accustomed to my face, but he seems to find ways to come by my office or linger nearby or, well, I don’t know. It’s just all so confusing and if I KNEW what to do, I would just do it, but that’s the tough part. Knowing and KNOWING.

Anyway, I’m swamped with getting all the marketing stuff up and out aboutThe Sound of Musicwhile also navigating Narnia’s second weekend and helping with rehearsals forPeter Pan. The ball is next weekend andPeter Panopens the following weekend. I’m living in the middle of all the magic and I love it. But there’s a bittersweetness to it right now, like the end of the last performance. I might drive up to Skern and visit Brodie and his family again just because it makes me feel closer to you all. Not sure why.



PS: The White Witch finally learned to cackle. I’m not sure why some people have such a hard time learning how to do that. It comes so easily for me.

PPS: I’m attaching photos of derby hats. I think Josephine should purchase one for baby Noah. Patrick might look nice in one too. I’d suggest Luke get one, but he’d roll his eyes and give an extra tug to his ballcap.

Text from Luke to Penelope:I hate long-distance relationships. But some people are worth it, Penny-girl. I don’t know if the dancer is, but don’t kick the guy off the stage without giving him a good audition.

Penelope:Did you just make a theater analogy? Are you sure this is my brother?

Luke:Izzy stole my phone. The only theater I’m interested in is the theater of operation in World War movies.

Penelope:But I know you know what I should do. Even though I don’t like it, you always seem to know. Or most of the time. Except when it comes to fashion or music.

Penelope:Or movies.

Penelope:And sometimes restaurants.

Luke:I get it. I’m only great at things that matter.

Penelope:What should I do about Matthias? I want the truth.

Luke:“You can’t handle the truth!”


Luke:This has to be your decision, Penn. Is he worth the risk? The risk of distance? Of wondering and waiting? Insteadof just looking at the list of what you want in a guy, maybe you should also think about what fits you best. Can you be totally you in all of your costume-loving, vintage, shoe-fetish, loud singing, talkative, silly quirkiness and know he’s going to accept ALL of that because it’s part of you? I’m not the best person for love advice, but if he fits all of that and is the guy you would choose, then he’s worth the risk and the tough stuff that comes along with any relationship. Real love is like that. Sacrifice and joy. You may not know that answer yet, and that’s okay. But if you DO know the answer, then maybe he’s willing to risk things too.

Penelope:I don’t know if he wants to risk things for me, Luke. He has a little girl to think about. His family is here.

Luke:Then maybe that’s something you could spend the next few weeks figuring out. For you and for him. If the guy keeps trying to spend time with you, there’s a good chance he’s interested, Penn. As a single dad who cares about his daughter, he’s not going to play games.

Penelope:I don’t want to play games either. And I don’t want to hurt Iris EVER. So maybe I shouldn’t even try because there’s a good chance someone will get hurt.