Date: September4
Subject: Re: A new adventure?
It was so wonderful to receive your email! When I learned that the Ashby had closed its doors, my heart broke all over again for you. That place was as much a part of my childhood asThe Andy Griffith Show, and I couldn’t imagine the empty stage without the sounds of singing children and laughing actors.
I know you’ve heard me say this many times before, but you and your beloved husband really helped me become the person I am today. Your kindness, encouragement, and excellent advice on everything from shoes to the perfect lacrimator (though I never really needed one since I was so good at thinking of enough sad things to make me cry without assistance) to the best way to project my voice secured for me a love of the stage forever. In fact, your faith in me to teach classes and help with everything from direction to marketing at such a young age is what sparked my career choices, to be the one behind the lights instead of always in them. To help others shine. To bring to life other people’s dreams through my knowledge of marketing and theater. I didn’t realize that there is even more joy behind the scenes than in them. And the idea of celebrating the theater through encouragement, whether through marketing or teaching or having the perfect set of fake eyelashes at the ready, somehow fit me in a way I didn’t even know! All of it just knitted together.
And even now, you are showering me with your wonderful encouragement! To offer me a job as an executive director? That’s unheard of for someone as young as me! I am honored beyond what I have words to say—and you know that’s quite a feat!
As Josephine told you, I’m currently interning at a theater in Fiacla of the Skymarian Islands. I won’t be home until mid-December. I know your offer is remarkable, but I need some time to consider where I see myself next. I’ve always dreamed of traveling and seeing the world before—maybe—settling down back home.
Would this position offer a chance for traveling?
Thank you so much, Mrs. Crenshaw.
From: Penelope Edgewood
To: Izzy Edgewood, Luke Edgewood, Josephine Martin
Date: September4
Subject: I said no
Okay, I didn’t. I said maybe. Because I just couldn’t say no to Mrs.Jacqueline Morrow Crenshaw (again, three-word name)! She’s the woman who inspired my love of the stage and appreciation for teeth whitener and excellent shoes. How could I immediately reject her when she asked if I’d like to become executive director of The Ashby Theater? It’s Ashby! I wore my first fake eyelashes at Ashby! I sang my first solo at Ashby! I stage-kissed the Beast at Ashby! You just can’t dismiss those sorts of life-altering moments, even if you feel certain you were born for world travel.
And if she and her wonderful husband hadn’t taken me under their wings, I don’t know if I’d have ever overcome my shyness and stutter. So how could I say no right away?
But I will. I have too many plans to see the world to think of settling now. (Do you realize it’s almost unheard of for someone my age to become an executive director of a nonprofit theater????) I’m going to ignore the angst by plunging into research in the depths of The Darling House first thing tomorrow morning. When I mentioned this plan to the secretary, I couldn’t tell whether she was waving away residual smoke from the man who walked by us with a pipe or she was making the sign of the cross. I’m going to choose to think the former.
PS: I rode the bicycle almost by myself today. Despite what Matt says, the rip in his sleeve was already there, but I did offer to mend it for him.
PPS: Iris wore the silver shoes I bought her. I wasn’t sure if Matt would let her have them, but evidently he gave them to her while I ran inside the cottage to change into bicycle-riding clothes.
His eyebrows did not approve of my riding today. He has very expressive eyebrows.
PPPS: Izzy, I’m going to call you when I investigate the storage rooms at the theater, so if you’re awake at six in the morning, pick up your phone. What fun it will be!
From: Josephine Martin
To: Penelope Edgewood
Date: September4
Subject: Re: I said no
Oh, Penelope,
Look at all that has happened to you already! Please do be careful with the whole bicycle riding experiment. It took so long for you to overcome the last incident and that was with your loving family supporting you. I don’t want to imagine what it would be like if the accident happens all over again and you’re this far away.
I know you enjoy traveling, but there really is no place like home. You own a pair of ruby-red slippers to remind you of that fact, too, as I recall.