I don’t think the GPS is accurate around here, BTW. My taxi driver got me to Mountcaster much faster than GPS would suggest, and he didn’t join me in singing “Part of Your World” once. I wasn’t singing it loudly, of course, but he seemed to understand the music because he began shaking his head very slowly in rhythm to the song.

Anyway, I got to spend only a few hours exploring Mountcaster before returning to my little cottage for the night, but in the process I had one job offer, took a sneak peek at The Darling House (you guys, it’s like one of those old buildings that needs lots of work but you can feel the personality oozing from the walls like magic), received an unsolicited marriage proposal from a mime, and almost adopted a dog.

I’m exhausted but deliriously thrilled about tomorrow. I just had dinner at this wonderful Italian restaurant called Rosemary & Thyme and am using their Wi-Fi to message you while I await my taxi—oh, but here it is. I’ll tell you more later.


PS: There’s a newer theater in town called Emblem Studios. They have acting and dancing lessons, but I don’t think I’d want to work there even if they offered lots more than I’m making for the internship. Something about the guy with the sinister eyes gave me chills, no matter how expensive his suit was.

PPS: He’d look great in a fedora, though. Very gangster-ish.

From: Luke Edgewood

To: Penelope Edgewood, Izzy Edgewood, Josephine Martin

Date: August30

Subject: Re: An adventure and a mystery


Do you ever reread your emails and think how your family may respond to some of your information... or lack of information? I’m just curious.


PS: If a house is oozing anything, I’d be concerned.

PPS: The mime makes sense, but very quietly.

From: Izzy Edgewood

To: Penelope Edgewood, Luke Edgewood, Josephine Martin

Date: August30

Subject: Re: An adventure and a mystery


As you well know, I am a big proponent of stories. I particularly like them when they’re complete. Would you be a dear and FINISH THE STORY? What sort of job were you offered upon meeting someone for the first time in a foreign country? (I can think of three possibilities and none of them are complimentary to you.)

And . . . a mime? What is that about? Oh gracious, maybe I should find a way to get over to Skymar before December so I canensure your survival, or at the very least find out what is going on with the mime, the dog, and the sinister mister. (Good grief, why does this sound like a really strange movie by some director with an unpronounceable last name?)

BTW, the website for The Darling House IS ancient and Emblem Studios is definitely not. Wow, how did you find a creepy guy in a suit from that place? It looks like a high-end, monochrome glass house. Oh wait, that’s probably the perfect place for a creepy guy in a suit. I’ve read my fiction and seen enough modern movies!


PS: I’ve sent Brodie your address so he can come check on you if I don’t hear from you within two hours.

PPS: I always get concerned when you wear that hat.

From: Penelope Edgewood

To: Luke Edgewood, Izzy Edgewood, Josephine Martin

Date: August30

Subject: Re: An adventure and a mystery