I’m still waiting to hear about the bicycle lessons from today. Sorry if I seem overly invested, but I tried to help you learn how to ride a bike in the first place and I’d really like to see this accomplishment through, even if it’s through the success of someone else. Please say you haven’t given up again! If you were able to learn how to wear that pink bunny suit fromLegally Blondeon stage in front of a pastor and his entire youth group, I think you can do anything.

The history of The Darling House is fascinating, beautiful, and sad!Peter Pan, the death of their grandmother, a reclusive husband, a “shadowed” theater! It’s everything a fantastic story needs. Do send more photos when you can!

As far as movies with Colin Firth and a key? I’m stretching my memory, but could you be talking aboutThe Secret Garden? Colin Firth is only in the teeniest part of the ending of that movie! Unless you mean the more modern one, and we do not speak of it. So I’m assuming you mean the older version. I’ll send you a link for confirmation.

You’re right about their website. It’s atrocious! Much worse than Sutherland’s Books even, and I thought that web presence was bad when I first started working on it. There’s so much potential for a theater site, though. Let me know if you’d like to brainstorm. I know we have a six-hour time difference, but since I’ve already worked out video chats with Brodie on a regular basis, I’m sure we can easily set something up, especially since you’re a night owl. Let’s plan one for Saturday. What do you say?

I’ve pulled out my favorite copy ofPeter Panso I can reread it and feel somewhat connected to your adventure. Here is one of my favorite quotes from this classic: “All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.” Sigh. How lovely! I can’t imagine anyone more suited to bring pixie-dust magic back into a dying theater, Penelope! It really sounds absolutely perfect for you, and a possible mystery to boot.


PS: Are you still meeting with Brodie on Saturday?

From: Penelope Edgewood

To: Izzy Edgewood, Luke Edgewood, Josephine Martin

Date: September3

Subject: The bicycle story

Oh, Izzy,

As much as I adored playing Elle Woods, I would never want to reprise that role. I certainly hope I’ve moved beyond the bunny outfit with the same character growth as Elle, though I still admire all the wonderful shoes she wore and a few of the suits. I’m a flare-skirt girl myself.

As far as how the bicycle lesson went...

I rode back to my little cottage with Mr. Gray, and though he was mostly quiet, he did answer some of my questions related to the logistics of the theater and the history. His face softened a little from its usual intense seriousness when he spoke of his grandmother Lorianna. Matt’s sister carries Lorianna as a middle name. Gwyneth Lorianna. Isn’t that beautiful? I asked Matt whathis sister’s favorite musical or classic movie was, but he really struggled with answering. Perhaps they’re not as close as we all are. He was able to provide her eye color. A pale gray-blue (I suppose they’re like his). He also mentioned that Gwynn is in her last semester of college and pursuing a double major in marketing and business! Isn’t that wonderful? It means whatever I start at The Darling House can be carried over by Gwynn!! Assuming she’ll want to pursue a career at the family theater.

Now here’s the real rub! I truly think Matt Gray didn’t believe me when I said I couldn’t ride a bicycle, so I actually had to PROVE it by stumbling like an idiot for a good ten minutes. When he gave me a rather incredulous eye roll (because I’m certain he assumed I was being extra dramatic! I love theater, but I am not extra dramatic about bicycles), I was compelled to tell the entire story about what happened when I was seven and the atrocious bicycle accident. I mean, how was a little girl who already struggled with talking supposed to focus on riding a bicycle again after all that? Not only was I a stutterer who hadn’t grown into her ears, but I was missing three of my front teeth, had a busted lip, a swollen nose the size of a tomato, and two bruised eyebrows. E.T. had nothing on me, with or without the wig. Not to mention that I limped for two whole weeks afterward. I barely made it through that year without having a complete breakdown, let alone learning how to ride a bike. Though that’s the year I discovered my singing voice, so I can’t say it was all bad.

For some reason, Grumpy Gray offered another lesson tomorrow. I think he must be one of those men who, when determined, will stop at nothing to prove his point. Kind of like you, Luke. I will never forget what you did with spaghetti noodles. I don’t think Mother ever recovered. I can’t remember the last time she cooked spaghetti.

But it means I get to see Iris again, so I don’t mind. I don’t know why Matt seemed so frustrated at me holding on to his arm while I attempted to ride the bike. I let go in plenty of time for him to keep his balance, and I must say, I prefer his wide-eyed look of shock over his usual frown. But no wonder he’s grumpy. Anyone who is against fairy-tale talk, singing in public, dancing on the sidewalk, and general hat wearing has to be a sad sort of person.

Iris was a wonderful cheerleader, however, so I kept trying for her sake. Did I tell you that there is no Mrs.Matt Gray? I don’t know him well enough to ask about the story, but he’s divorced, and evidently, Iris’s mother isn’t in the picture. Does that sound strange to you? How could a mother not be a part of her daughter’s life? I’m going to try very hard not to allow the curiosity to keep me awake tonight, but... well, it is a curious thing.

Anyway, I’m staring out the window of my tower and watching the sunset over the roof of the manor house on the other side of the forest. Isn’t that such a wonderful sentence?! And it’s not a fairy tale but REAL.


PS: Do you think people who are referred to by three names are more intimidating than other people?

PPS: Josephine, you haven’t sent any pictures of the babies ALL DAY LONG!! When can we video call? I don’t want them to forget me while I’m gone.

PPPS: Brodie’s coming on Sunday! We’re meeting after church and he’s taking me on a tour of Fiacla!

Skymarian Theater Troupe

From: GK

To: JA

I don’t think hats should ever be out of fashion, so don’t let your new employer intimidate you. You strike me as someone who is confident in herself, so I think your employer should be fine with that.

I haven’t met with the theater troupe in a long time because I’m rarely in town when they meet and I have a few folks from the group that I don’t want to see (former romantic ties are extremely inconvenient at times). But I’m sure you’ll find a few kindred spirits, or at least a few fun acquaintances, among the lot.

MacDougall for Hire in Mountcaster has all sorts of small and large vehicles. I imagine they’d have a scooter or two as well. You must wear a neckerchief when you take your ride, or at the very least large sunglasses.