Page 107 of The Roommate

They reached a small clearing and a familiar voice stopped him in his tracks.

“Took you guys long enough.”

Graham’s gaze snapped up to find Claire, in hiking boots, shorts, and a tank top, standing in front of a partially erected tent. Her hair was messy and she stood with her arms crossed over her chest.

His heart ceased beating for several seconds and literally the only thing he wanted in this moment was to keep his composure. The odds of that happening were low, because she was so damn sexy standing there angry and proud for no apparent reason, and it was so very Claire and the embodiment of everything he’d fallen in love with in the first place.

Two months and one week since he’d laid eyes on her and somehow he’d told himself he’d be okay.

He was not okay.

“What’s going on?” he managed to get out.

Noah dropped his pack by the tent and pointed. “Need help with that?” he asked Claire.

She glared at him, and he held his hands up.

“Never mind.” Noah tossed a look at Graham as he headed toward the trail. “Good luck, man.”

“What?” Graham looked between the two. Claire just stared at him, and he couldn’t handle those eyes on him for long. He swung his gaze back to Noah, who had a smug grin on his face. “Where are you going?”

“Yeah. I, uh, lied. It was Claire’s idea to go camping, not mine. You two have fun and I’ll be back with the car on Sunday. I hope you get everything figured out by then.”

Noah winked and picked up a jog down the trail, quickly disappearing between the thick trees.

Graham turned back to Claire and blinked. He expected her to say something. Explain herself and what this was all about, maybe?

But she didn’t, and he couldn’t stand to look at that gorgeous face he loved, knowing she wasn’t his. And he wasn’t hers.

He dropped his gaze several inches.

“Are you staring at my breasts?” she asked sharply.

“Seemed like the safer choice.”

“Safer for what?”

He cleared his throat. “My sanity.”

“I can’t tell if that’s a compliment or an insult.”

“I’m not sure, either.”

With a sigh, he stepped forward and swung his own pack from his back, letting it hit the ground beside Noah’s. Or Claire’s, apparently.

He resisted a smile when he saw what appeared to be Claire’s attempt to set up the tent. After witnessing her response to Noah’s offer to finish it, he decided to let it be for now.

He straightened, faced her, and slid his hands in his pockets. “You gonna tell me why I’m here?”


He had a few thoughts, of course, most of them hopeful and dangerous to entertain.

Her eyes scrolled down his body slowly, lingering on his right leg. “Do you, um, need to sit down or anything?”

He shook his head. “Nope. Feels great.”

She nodded, her brows relaxing. “That’s good.”