Page 93 of Until Now

No. He deserves this. He deserves every ounce of my wrath. How could he do this?

“Sei un bugiardo.”

“He didn’t lie.”

Why is Daddy trying to defend him?

“You have no idea what you’re talking about, Davina.”

“So, he hasn’t been hiding the fact that he knew Mom was fucking Lee?”

Daddy sighs. “Yes, that is true, but…” He shares a look with Nick. “Only because I asked him to. He told me and I asked him not to say anything to you.”

“Stronzata,” I scoff. “You expect me to believe that?”

“He wanted to tell you, but there was never a right time.”

“There were plenty of times!”

“Nina, I can assure you, Nick wanted to tell you. But, you were just starting to get along with your mother again and I didn’t want to—”


“So, I didn’t want to ruin that.”

I scoff again. “Okay, let’s pretend I believe you. Now what?”

“Well, I’ve suspected it for a while. And now that I know for sure, I’m handling it.” Daddy nods towards Nick, “Thank you.” And, immediately I understand what he is doing. Daddy is giving him an out. He’s trying to save what little is left of our relationship. He thinks if Nick leaves now there will be hope for us.

Nick shares a look with me when he stands from the chair, but I don’t give him a chance to say anything. “Just because you told him doesn’t mean anything to me. You should’ve been honest with me. After everything… You should have told me.”

“You don’t understand, Nina,” Nick says. “I tried, I did, but you didn’t let me—”

“Capisco perfettamente.” Nick starts to argue but holds his tongue. I don’t think he wants to get into a screaming match right here with an audience. Anything he has to say is going to do just that. Besides, I don’t want to hear it. Why would I? He gives a final nod to Daddy and leaves. “You can’t honestly be okay with this,” I say before the door closes.

“I’m not.”

“Te l'ha detto davvero?”

“Yes, Davina. The only reason he didn’t tellyouis because I asked him not to. I didn’t want anyone to know before I was sure.” Daddy’s poker face has gotten better over the years, but I’m sure he is lying. Too bad he will never tell me. “I had to be sure, this is a serious accusation.”

“How long?”

“I’ve suspected it for a while.”

“Con lui?”

“Not with him, but in general.” He motions for me to sit, but I refuse. “How did you find out?”

I had been working out when the doorbell rang. I ignored it, hoping whomever it was would get the message and leave, but they were persistent. “I really need to change that damn gate code,” I said to myself. Why didn’t I change it two years ago? Opening the front door, I’m met with the last person I expected to see, “What?”

“Well, hello to you too.”

“Why are you here, Teagan?”

“Aren’t you going to invite me in?” I rolled my eyes, but stepped aside. “You working out?”

“No, I just like being sweaty.” Teagan followed me into the kitchen and climbed onto one of the island bar stools. She seemed a little nervous, rightfully so considering the last time we were around each other I had her pinned by her throat. “So, what do I owe the displeasure?” Teagan looked upset. “Geez, take a joke, Teag. What’s wrong?”