In my office, my cell phone rings and I’m sure it’s him calling to tell me he can’t make it, but through the front door I see him finally get out of the car. He still doesn’t come inside. I’m about to go outside and drag him inside when my office phone rings. I roll my eyes and return to my office to put out whatever fire awaits me.
Fuck. What now?
Natalia tells me we’ve run into a small situation at the house one of our crews is working on. What kind of situation? Issues with the flooring, paint, and cabinets. Construction needs another week to get it done.
I hear the front door open — either Nick finally decided to come inside or I’m about to be murdered.
I return my attention to Natalia. If I’m going to be murdered, let me at least tell her how to handle the situation first. “That’s unacceptable. This project will be done by Tuesday, no exceptions. Do whatever needs to be done to make it happen. Pay them overtime, for all I care. I’ll take the hit. This cannot be extended.” I rake my fingers through my hair when Natalia sighs. The crew isn’t going to like it. I don’t care. Finish the job. Whatever it takes.
Natalia ends the call and I’m left more stressed out than I was ten minutes ago. Turning my chair, I throw my planner back on my desk and rub my eyes under my glasses. A heavy sigh, I mutter to myself in Italian before remembering I am not alone.
“Hi,” he says, his smirk growing.
“Hey,” I sigh. “I’m sorry, things have been crazy around here.”
“I see that.” Nick sits in the chair across from me. Still an obvious tension, but we are doing our best to ignore it.
“How’s your dad?”
“He’s alright. Trying to adjust. How are you?”
“Busy. From the looks of it, you have been too.” I motion toward his grease-stained clothes.
“Sorry, I should’ve changed, but I didn’t feel like answering a bunch of questions.” Questions from both Alex and Sheyenne. I wonder if Sheyenne would’ve tried to tag along if she knew he was leaving.
“Nick, it’s okay. I don’t mind.”
Nick rubs at the stain on his hand — where he hadn’t been able to wash the grease off completely. Why is he here?
“Can I ask you something?” I finally ask and he looks up from his hand. “Why did you want to see me?”
“Look, maybe I should just go. I can—”
“Nick, don’t.” I walk around to sit in the chair next to him. “I’m just trying to understand. We haven’t talked, not since you left. Hell, even before that. I know something was bothering you, but I just—”
“Dee, I’m sorry. I was a dick. I shouldn’t have left you like that. You didn’t deserve it.”
“It’s okay, I just want to know why.”
“It’s not okay, Nina! None of this is okay.” Nick chews on my bottom lip and I take one of his hands threading our fingers together. “I’m sorry for what happened between us. I’m sorry for everything. I never meant to hurt you or put a wedge between you and your dad, I know how much he means to you. And then your mom and Lee—”
“Nick, let’s not do this.” I remove my glasses and rub my eyes. I don’t have it in me to fight about this right now. “At this moment, I don’t care what happened in Haven or in Savannah or a week ago. I just want to be with you. Okay? I’m worried about you.” I run my thumb over the stubble that has started to grow on his cheek. “Parlami.”
Ever so slowly, he begins to let the walls around him crumble. The past three months have been anything but easy. “I can’t do this, Nina.” He’s fighting back the tears welling in his eyes. “Not again.”
“Can't do what, baby?”
“I should’ve been here. I should’ve been with him. If you hadn’t found him, I can’t even think about what might’ve—”
“Don’t do this to yourself, Nick. Don’t worry about the what ifs, focus on the fact that he’s gonna be okay. He’s healing.”
“They’re talking about complications now. He’s not gonna be the same. He can’t run the garage, I’m gonna have to take over again.”
“No.” I won’t let him. I won’t let him go back to that garage. “No, he can hire someone. You’ve got to live your own life, Nick.”
“You don’t get it, Nina.”