Page 110 of Until Now

“When Eileen called me about the accident, I lost it. I couldn’t fathom the idea that you might be gone. I didn’t care that you were mad at me. I had to find you. I needed to know you were here, you were alive. I went out of my mind trying to find you. And when I couldn’t find you…” Tears roll down his cheeks. “I didn’t want to be the one to tell you, I didn’t even think about Sheyenne being there, I just got in the car and drove. I shouldn’t have left you. I should’ve been here, should’ve helped you through this. It shouldn’t have been him. I should’ve fought harder for you.”

“It’s okay, Nick,” I whisper and he leans into my hand on his cheek.

“That night we met at Phillip’s party, I saw you in a different light. One that didn’t add up to all the things people said about you. But, that was the night my mom died. I was supposed to go home that night, but I went to the party instead. When I got the call from Alex the next morning my world fell apart and I couldn’t see past my grief. I blamed you. I blamed you for keeping me from her, even though it wouldn’t have changed anything had I been there. Spending this summer with you reminded me of that. My mom would’ve loved you. She always told me to give you a chance, I wish I had listened.”

I laugh, “She sounds like a smart woman.”

“I love you, Davina,” Nick says without hesitation. He pushes a lock of hair behind my ear before kissing me — his lips are soft, vulnerable against mine. “I love your passion.” A quick peck against my forehead. “I love your smile.” A peck on my cheek. “I love your heart.” The other cheek. “I love your soul.” He kisses me again. “When I saw you dancing in the rain that night in Haven…I knew, I was in love with you.” Nick dips his head to the sensitive spot behind my ear, a tender kiss. His words barely a whisper, “I meant it when I said, you’re mine.”

“You don’t know how longI’vewaited to hear that.”

Chapter Sixty-Three

The subtle movementsof a person next to me pull me out of my dreams. There’s a weight settled over my waist, a hand splayed across my stomach underneath my sweater. His breath tickles the back of my neck before his lips brush against the skin. “G’morning,” he whispers. I groan in protest and turn in his arms to bury further into his side. “C’mon baby,” he tries to rouse me, but I still refuse.

Last night was the best sleep I’ve gotten in months. When the dust had settled, we spent the rest of the night cuddled on the couch watchingThe Santa Clause.The last thing I remembered was E.L.F.S. breaking into the police department, but the credits rolled as Nick carefully lifted me from the couch to carry me to bed and I refused to let him leave.

When I think he’s finally going to settle back in for a long morning in bed, my phone rings. He reaches over me, taking it from my nightstand. “It’s your brother.”

“What?” I answer the phone.

“Well, good morning to you too,” Kai laughs on the other end. He’s in better spirits today.

“What do you want?”

“You coming to the board meeting?”

“Shit.” I totally forgot. This is the first one with Kai as head of the company and me as his partner.

“I’ll take that as a no.”

“I’ll be there.” I rub my eyes looking at the clock. “What time does it start?” I throw the blankets off and storm into the bathroom. I have an hour to get dressed and be in Charlotte. No time for a shower, I douse my hair with dry shampoo before pulling it into a bun. I discard my pajamas on the floor of my closet changing into a pair of black faux leather pants, a tan turtleneck sweater, and boots, making a mental note to pick them up later.

Nick is half asleep when I return to the bedroom. A lazy smile spreads across his lips when I tug gently through his curls. “There’s plenty of coffee and food, if you want something, I’ll be back shortly.” I lightly trace the scar on his forehead. “You’ll be here?”

“If you want.”

“I do.”

He kisses me, slow and steady, when a moan resounds in my throat, he moves into action. His lips leave a blazing trail down my throat finding the spot he knows I like best, the one only he knows, but I push him away.

“I have to go.”

“Fuck the board.”

“I don’t think that would be very pleasant. I’d rather save that for someone else.” My smirk grows when he rolls his eyes. “I will come right back after the meeting and I’m all yours.”

“Promise?” His teeth nibble the same spot and my body starts to melt into him as one of his hands grazes the skin of my stomach under my sweater.

“Sì, lo prometto, ma devo andare,” I whimper and pull away from him. After a chaste kiss, I retreat to the safety of the door. Before I can leave, he calls my name. “What?”

“I love you, Dee.”

“Ti amo, Fossette.”

Chapter Sixty-Four

Town square buzzeswith excitement setting up for the festivities later tonight. I sit in one of the booths outside of Java Fountain in the makeshift heated outdoor space. It’s an unusually bitter cold morning, I wear my black overcoat and a scarf to fend off the breeze. But, not even the cold weather can keep me from an iced coffee. Alex makes fun of me when he sits down, it’s thirty-three degrees, why am I drinking an iced beverage? “Iced coffee is a way of life. You either get it or you don’t.”