Page 71 of Until Now

“I wouldn’t put you in that position. Not after everything you’ve been through.” His stare is unwavering when he says it and I believe him. I know he’s lying about the phone call, but I believe this. I have no choice because when he kisses me, I can’t stop myself. It’s soft and slow, giving me the chance to ease into it, but I’m tired of waiting. I twist his tie in my fingers pulling him further into the room.

Nick presses me against the wall, hands pinned on either side of my head. His mouth over mine in a hard, possessive kiss. Shifting both of my hands into one of his, high above my head, his other hand slides down my body. A soft moan falls from my lips when his rough skin finds my breast through the fabric of my dress, his thumb teasing my nipple to attention.

“Nick,” I whisper when his mouth finds my neck. “Please.”

He lifts my feet off the ground. My legs around his waist, his hands on my ass, he carries me to the bed. He sits on the edge of the bed and tugs the zipper of my dress down, his mouth covering every inch of skin he exposes. I push his jacket from his shoulders and use his tie to pull his mouth to mine again.

He swiftly lifts me from his lap and sets me on the floor, my dress pooling at my feet. Wholly naked, I watch him make haste work of his dress pants, his tie, his shirt. His breaths come out in hard pants as he stares at me, never wanting to forget this. His hands trace my curves before he lifts me wrapping my legs around his waist — one hand on my back, the other grips my ass. I stare into those whiskey-golden eyes I’ve missed so much.

“I’ve missed you,” he whispers. A piece of my heart mends at the confession. Nick buries his face into the crook of my neck. “I’ve missed you so much, Dee.”

I tug the end of his hair so I can see his eyes when I say, “Show me.”

His mouth collides with mine, his tongue plies my mouth, tasting of whiskey. He drops me onto the bed, his knee dipping between my thighs widening them. Interlacing our fingers beside my head, he stares into my eyes as he slowly guides himself into me and I swear I’ve never felt anything more intense. “Nick,” I breathe, his name a prayer on my lips. When he pauses to let me adjust, I feel everything click into place. This is home, anywhere with him…is home.

Slowly, he begins to move his hips thrusting deeper, harder. Goosebumps rise across my skin as his free hand traces down my side until he’s lifting my left thigh off the bed. The sound he makes is almost enough to make me come. Nick nips softly at the skin of my neck, and I gasp when he sinks his teeth in. After a brutal assault, his tongue laps the same spot — he wants to make sure there will be evidence in the morning.

“Nina,” he whimpers, almost inaudible. My fingers dig into his back and I move my hips in time with his. His fingers bruise the skin of my thigh, and with slow, sensuous strokes he drives deeper. I hold his gaze, unable to look away. I study every part of his face, committing it to memory. Every movement, every breath, every moan… That burning pressure explodes deep inside my core. Nick captures my lips in a bruising kiss swallowing the moans of my release, his own not far behind. I hold him as he stills, relishing in the feeling of his skin on mine.

We remain like that for a while, skin to skin, until Nick shifts his hips drawing a moan from me.

“You know how to wreck a man, Davina Bay.” I run my fingers through the soft curls on top of his head, longer than before, I twist one around my finger. He leans into my touch and when he meets my gaze again, I hear the words left unsaid.

I miss you.

I need you.

Forgive me.

Chapter Forty-Two

Following the hostthrough the maze of tables, I can see Mother smile at her phone, but it fades when she remembers where she is. I’m sure she wishes she brought a jacket to fight the cool of the late September evening, but the weather is no match for the demeanor of the man next to her. I can’t remember the last time he was this mad. He says something to her, but she rolls her eyes and turns her phone upside down on the table. Just in case. “Davina has always done things we never understood or agreed with, but you were always there for her, even when I wasn’t. Don’t stop now,” I can hear her say as we get closer. They haven’t seen me yet.

“This is different,” he says and is about to say more, but their conversation halts as I appear at the table. “You’re late.”

I try to ignore his clipped tone. Try not to let it affect me, but I know he sees right through me. Daddy turns away, because if he doesn’t, he might see the pain behind the mask. He might be willing to let it go and he doesn’t want to. He isn’t ready. He isn’t ready to understand why I did it because that might open up a can of worms he’s kept tucked away for a long time.

“How was your flight, Davina?” Mother’s attempt at conversation makes my skin crawl.

“Delayed. Weather out of West Palm.”

Daddy still refuses to look at me. I can’t remember a time when Daddy and I barely uttered a word to each other. Even when he had to clean up my messes, get me out of trouble… He was always there. But, if one good thing has come out of this, he and Kai have gotten closer.

“So, we haven’t seen you since before the wedding, how was it? We’re sad we couldn’t make it, but you know how that goes,” she tries to move the conversation along.

“Elizabeth understood.”

“Your brother mentioned you left Savannah a little early. Why is—”

“Excuse me,” Daddy interrupts springing from the table when his phone rings.

An uneasy silence settles over the table after he leaves. I’d rather drink bleach than sit here with Mother. Yes, that sounds dramatic, but it doesn’t make it any less true. I don’t know why I came tonight. I don’t want to fight with either of them. And while Mother seems to be trying the cordial route, I know it can only last so long. I start scrolling through my phone — a new photo message appears. I open it, but wish I hadn’t when a photo of Nick and me dancing stares me in the face. Below it, a message:


Yes, I left Savannah early. Sue me. I guess Kai hasn’t totally abandoned his favorite former pastime — narcing. You would think I’d murdered someone with the family news coverage on it.

I left Savannah the morning after the wedding. I quietly packed my things, folded Nick’s clothes, and left without saying goodbye. I thought I could get away without anyone noticing, but I didn’t count on Eileen seeing me from the table I was supposed to be sitting at that rainy morning. She was at breakfast with Kai, Michaela, and Alex when I made my escape. It’s not like Nick didn’t do the same in Haven, not that any of them know that. So, I guess that makes me a bitch — at least, in their eyes.