Page 52 of Until Now

“Teagan…she said you were together. Nick, I can’t go through this again. What was she talking about?”

Nick takes my hands into his. “Nina…”

“Just answer the question, Nick.”

“Eileen and I were watching TV, waiting for you to get back. Eileen had to take a phone call and Teagan came in. She was fine, at first. Nothing out of the ordinary. But, then she started getting close, too close, and saying how convenient that you and Lee were gone. She tried to take her clothes off, but I stopped her. And then, Eileen and Lee walk in fighting about God knows what. And well, you know the rest.” He cups my cheeks. “Nothing happened, Dee. I promise.”

A knock at the door before Eileen barges into the room, “What the hell was that?”

I stand in the bathroom door, but Nick takes a subtle step in front of me. His fingers lazily intertwine with my own between us.

“Seriously, Nina? You just beat the shit out of her.”

“She had it coming,” I say unbothered.

“You just got into a knockdown drag-out with someone who used to be your best friend. That’s a little cause for concern, don’t you think?”

“Hey, Slugger!” Kai wears a proud smirk when he joins us. “You got her pretty good, definitely gonna have a black eye and some bruises. Pulled a few extensions out too.”

“Kai,” Eileen hisses. “Not helping.”

“I’m just glad she finally put Teagan in her place.”

I roll my eyes trying to hide my smile.

“C’mon, babe. Let’s go, give them some space.” Kai winks at me before he pulls Eileen out of the room.

“I know you worked hard on these bandages, but I think I’m gonna take a bath,” I say when they’re gone. “I need some…space.” I kiss Nick’s cheek, but as I begin to walk away, he holds me still. His breath dances across my exposed skin and his hands lightly trace my curves sending a shiver down my spine. He presses light kisses along my neck until our lips brush and I feel him smile.

“I’m right outside.”

“Thank you, Fossette.”

Chapter Thirty-Two

It’s just likewhen he saw the house in Haven for the first time, I wonder if the shock and awe factor will ever go away when it comes to these kinds of things. Maybe, or maybe not. I don’t mind, it’s kind of cute. I like being able to share the experience with him. I booked the presidential suite at the Four Seasons Denver — it’s more like an apartment than a hotel room. Even Eileen seemed surprised when we walked in, apparently, Kai doesn't book such rooms when they go out of town. “We all need our space, I don’t want to be in the same room when my brother decides to get handsy,” I said when Eileen scolded me.

After the fight with Lee and Teagan, things have been even more tense around the house and I’ve packed our schedule to keep us anywhere else. I even tried to avoid Eileen for a few days, not looking for another lecture. We have since apologized and all has been forgiven, but I was tired of having to leave the house to feel like I could breathe. I needed a vacation from vacation and Denver seemed like the perfect place. Not too far from Haven, but far enough to get away for a few days and let everything calm down.

“Pretty cool, huh?” I join Nick at the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking downtown and the mountains.

“Gorgeous.” But, he isn’t looking at the view anymore.

“I thought you might like it.”

“I like it a lot.” Nick pulls me close and kisses the crown of my head. “What is all this for, Dee? I know you wanted to get away from Lee and Teagan, but even this is a little much.”

“I just thought we could celebrate your birthday while we’re here.”

“My birthday was almost three weeks ago.”

“But, now I can celebrate it as your girlfriend…your real girlfriend.”

Nick laughs and kisses me.

“If you two are done, we’d like to eat something,” Eileen interrupts us.

“Yeah, yeah, we’re coming, Lina,” I say without looking, but neither of us moves. I roll my eyes when Eileen clears her throat. “Okay, okay.” I kiss Nick again and drag him away from the window to follow Eileen.