Shelby’s mouth dropped open, and she smacked Wilder’s chest. “You just chastised me for telling Missy, but you told Charlie?”

“We’re dudes,” Wilder shrugged. “We tell each other stuff.”

“I’m here!” Blake waltzed in and shoved his phone in his pocket. “Did I miss the Nugz reveal?”

“Stop calling our baby Nugz,” I scolded.

Blake shrugged. “Sounds better than Nugget.”

“Are you guys ready?” Shannon hollered.

“Wait!” Shelby yelled. “We all first have to guess what we think it is.” She pointed at Blake. “You first.”

Blake quirked his lips. “I think Nugz is going to be a boy.”

I rolled my eyes, and Charlie chuckled.

Nugz was nowhere near better than Nugget.

Wilder held up his hand. “I think it’s going to be a boy.”

“I say girl.” Shelby thrust her fist in the air. “Girl power.”

I looked up at Charlie.

“Girl,” we said in unison.

Something was telling both of us we were having a girl.

We were going to be happy either way, but I had a strong feeling Nugget was a girl.

“Do I get a guess?” Shannon called.

“You put the bandana on the dog,” Shelby laughed. “I think you are disqualified.”

“Fair,” Shannon laughed. “One, two, three!” The doors burst open, and Bandit came prancing out wearing a bright pink collar and a pink and white polka dot bandana.

“I knew it!” Shelby cheered.

“Dammit,” Wilder laughed. “Now, we gotta wear the chicken suit.”

“Chicken suit?” I laughed. “What are you talking about?”

Charlie turned me in his arms and pressed a swift, passionate kiss to my lips. “Wilder, Blake, and I made a little bet that whoever was wrong about the gender has to wear the chicken suit at the next family event.”

“You guys seriously bet on what Nugget was going to be?” Shelby laughed. “You two deserve to have to wear that suit now.”

I turned to Blake, and his face was pale. He put a hand on the wall to steady himself, and I followed where his gaze landed.


“Blake?” she gasped.

“Shannon,” he whispered.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. How on earth did Shannon and Blake know each other?

Blake wasn’t even from around here. If I remember correctly, Charlie had told me Blake lived in New York before he moved to Chicago to work with Wilder.