
“And sometimes I might have to drop everything and get to the restaurant because the oven broke or someone called in.”


“And when I need to be there early for deliveries, I might need to stay all day and night until close,” I continued.

“Got it.”

I stared at Missy. “Why aren’t you telling me that is bullshit?”

“I’m supposed to tell you that it’s bullshit that you have a sense of responsibility and will do any and everything to make sure your restaurant is successful?” Missy sat back and sighed. “I don’t know when I ever gave you the impression that those things were a turn-off for me.”

“I don’t think you think they are a turn-off. I think I’m not going to be able to give you the time you deserve.”

She nodded and wrinkled her nose. “I think you should have given me the chance to find out if I wanted what you have to offer. I think you made the decision for me, and that pisses me off.” She leaned forward and pointed her finger to the table. “I love this diner. If this is the only place you ever take me for date nights, I will be happy every single time.” She added a finger. “I have to be up early for work, too, so I like the idea of both of us getting ready together and then heading to work.” She added another finger. “You own Chicken Biscuit. If you need to run to the restaurant because something came up, I can come with you. I can help you figure things out. I can hop on the drive-thru while you head to the kitchen to fry up chicken. I can call the repairman when you can’t figure out why the oven stopped working.” She flattened her hand on the table. “I can just be there for you after a long day to be your soft place to land. I don’t need flowers every day and crazy vacations in the big city, Charlie. I don’t want any of that if I can’t have you. I don’t know why you suddenly thought I wanted those things, but I don’t. I want exactly what we had before but with a much more official title.”

“You do?” I gulped.

She nodded. “I want–.”


Son of a bitch. All I wanted to know was what Missy wanted.


“Hey, man. I’m surprised to see you here,” he laughed. “Isn’t this your competition?”

I rolled my eyes.

I was never the biggest fan of Macon. He was cocky and self-centered in high school, and he hadn’t really changed. “Uh, not really. The diner and Chicken Biscuit have managed to coincide all these years without an issue.”

“Sure, sure,” he muttered. He nodded to Missy and smiled. “You guys celebrating?” he asked.

“Uh,” Missy muttered.

“We’re just having dinner,” I pointed out.

“Oh, well, I’m sure you guys have been celebrating the big news the past few weeks already.”

I tipped my head to the side. What in the hell was he talking about? “I don’t think we know what you are talking about, Macon.”

“Uh, yeah,” Missy cleared her throat. “We were just grabbing some dinner.”

“The baby!” Macon shouted. “Don’t be so modest, guys!”

All the color drained from Missy’s face, and it felt like the floor had dropped out from under me.

“I spotted you at the hospital the other week, Missy, but didn’t have a chance to talk to you since I was headed to see a patient. I do have to tell you that you are in good hands with Dr. McGee. She’s a great OB/GYN,” he explained.

Missy’s eyes connected with mine.

“Macon,” Leanne called. “Your order is ready.”

Macon nodded to Leanne. “I’ll let you guys get back to your date. Congratulations again.”

I nodded numbly.