I tipped my head to the side. “Shelby Lyn. Do you really think I would have been able to keep this baby a secret if I went to Dr. Jones's office where Midge and Britt work?” I demanded. “The whole town would have known I was pregnant before I stepped foot out of his office.”

“Well, you’re not wrong. Part of the charm of living in a small town is that everyone knows your business before you want them to.” She tipped her head to the side, and a loopy smile spread across her lips. “You’re having a baby, Missy,” she whispered.

I rolled my eyes and stepped back. “I am, and I am serious when I say that you cannot tell anyone. Not Wilder, Charlie, or anyone. I need you to take this to the grave.”

“Missy,” she chastised. “You are pregnant. Do you think you’re just going to have a baby, and no one is going to take notice?”

“Well, they won’t know if I move to Wasilla and become an Eskimo with the penguins.”

She took a deep breath. “Most people would think you are joking, but I know you, and I know that there is a very good chance you already have a plane ticket to Alaska and will disappear any day.”

I didn’t say anything. I didn’t have a ticket, but I knew I could get my hands on one within hours. I would either have to beg Dr. McGee to come through on the deal we made or empty my savings account. Either way, I could be gone by the end of tomorrow.

“You’re not leaving.”

I kept my mouth shut.

“Missy,” she cried. “You having a baby is the most amazing thing, and you’re acting like it’s horrible.”

“It’s not horrible,” I clarified. “I’m excited to be a mom. I’m not excited about Charlie and the rest of town knowing.”

Shelby’s shoulders dropped. “Oh, Missy. I know Adams is a bit behind the times, but you have to know absolutely everyone is going to be excited for you.”

“Yeah, they’ll be excited to my face while they talk trash about me behind my back. Charlie and I were barely together, and now I’m pregnant.”

“Barely together?” she scoffed. “What in the world are you talking about? The man is in love with you, and I damn well know for a fact that you are in love with him. You both said it was just casual between you guys, but seriously, blind men could see that you guys were it for each other.”

“Mr. Murray?” I asked.

Shelby nodded. “Blind for years, and even he mentioned you and Charlie running the chicken empire one day.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “I guess it might be time to swallow the bullet if Mr. Murray thinks Charlie and I should be together.”

“Swallow your pride and bite the bullet?” Shelby asked.

I rolled my eyes and nodded. “My malaphors aren’t that funny if you have to dissect them every time,” I pointed out.

Shelby shrugged. “I can’t help it. My brain needs to figure out what the heck you are trying to say.”

My shoulders sagged, and I trudged over to the couch. I plopped down and kicked my feet up on the ottoman.

“What are you thinking right now?” Shelby asked.

Everything all at once.

I was happy I didn’t need to lie to Shelby anymore.

I was scared that everyone was going to know I was pregnant.

And then there was Charlie.

I wanted him. There was no point in trying to act like I didn’t, but I still didn’t want him to choose me because I was pregnant.

“The cost of a plane ticket to Wasilla.”

“Missy,” she sighed. She sat down next to me and laid her hand on my thigh. “You’re not running away.”

“What if Charlie finds out I am pregnant and thinks he has to be with me? Like he doesn’t have a choice?”