Hell, she had even managed to find a job that was more than okay with Bandit coming to work with her every day. Bandit had become an institution at the café that people loved to see while they got their caffeine fix.
“Charlie?” she called.
I couldn’t actually hear her since I was in my truck, but I could figure out what she said. Of course, she had tipped her head to the side and looked confused about me sitting in my truck outside of her work.
Well, there was no running now.
I slipped out of the truck and moved to the sidewalk in front of her. “Uh, hey,” I called.
Bandit danced happily at the sight of me; Missy let go of his leash. I crouched down, and he barreled into me. “Hey, big man,” I cooed. “Two days in a row I get to see you, huh?” Bandit rested his front paw on my arm and plopped his butt down.
“You’ve been petted all day, and you’re still begging for attention,” Missy laughed. “You’re a ham, Bandit.”
“He’s just a good boy.”
“You hit the nail right on the nose with that one,” she sighed. “I seriously think I need to stop calling him a good boy because it is going straight to his head.”
Missy and her crazy sayings. I never thought I would miss something so crazy like that, but I did. “You guys done with work?” I asked.
Missy shook her head. “No, I was just taking him for a walk on my break. Monica gave him a few too many treats, and I’m pretty sure he’s got a deposit to make in the park.”
I stood and wiped my hands on my pants. “Oh, uh, well, I’ll get out of your way then.”
“Are you done with work?” she asked.
I nodded. “Yeah. Last night was a late night, and then I was back in before the sun came up this morning. I came for a cup of coffee to get me through some paperwork when I get home, and then I am passing out until tomorrow morning.”
“Sounds like you’re burning the midnight oil from both ends.”
I ran my fingers through my hair and chuckled. “Well, yeah, I guess you could say that. Wilder is breathing life back into Chicken Biscuit, and I’m just along for the ride.”
“Everyone who came in today was talking about how amazing yesterday was. I think I’ve heard Chicken Biscuit at least one hundred times today.”
“Yeah?” I asked. “I guess that is good. Today has been another busy day at the restaurant. I thought everyone in Adams knew about Chicken Biscuit, but I must have been wrong. There are people coming in I’ve never seen before.”
Missy smiled. “That’s amazing, Charlie. I always knew that when you took over Chicken Biscuit, you were going to do great things.”
“Yeah, I wasn’t too sure about that.”
Bandit whined and pulled on his leash. “Uh, I better get him over to the park.” She smiled shyly. “I’ll see you around, Charlie.” She headed down the sidewalk toward the park, and I watched her until she turned the corner.
I grabbed my coffee from Monica and was back in my truck headed home. I passed the park and glimpsed Missy and Bandit playing by the swing set.
I shouldn’t have, but I honked my horn and waved as I drove past.
Missy looked up and raised her hand before even seeing it was me. She stiffly waved and turned back to Bandit.
I had done that.
I had been the one to take her friendly, happy glow away from myself.
This is what I had chosen, and thought was right, but it actually sucked.
Life without Missy in it wasn’t much fun at all.
Chapter Seven