“Charlie Beck says we’re his, Bandit and Nugget,” she whispered.

“Forever,” I promised.

Chapter Seventeen


“Wheat flour?”

Shelby wrinkled her nose. “You think the secret ingredient in Flo’s lasagna is wheat flour? I think I would prefer weed.” She lifted the bubbly cheesy pan of lasagna from the oven and set it on the stove. “What time did you say Shannon was going to be here?”

I leaned against the counter and rested my hands on my belly. “Five minutes. She called me half an hour ago and said she was a little more than thirty minutes away.”

“Good. Wilder and Charlie should be here by then.”

“Those two are crazy. They’ve both been burning the midnight oil from both ends at work,” I replied.

“Yeah, it’s crazy the jump the reopening did for Chicken Biscuit. Too bad it didn’t scare Chicken King away, though.” Shelby fanned her face with the hot pad.

That would have been nice, but unfortunately, Chicken King was set to open right around the time Nugget was due. “As long as Chicken Biscuit keeps steady, Chicken King can come into town. Adams is a small town, and even though people can be a little too much in everyone's business, I know they’ll stand by Chicken Biscuit.”

“Are you sure Charlie’s family isn’t coming?” Shelby asked.

“I wanted them to be here, but Charlie said he would rather go over to their house tonight to tell them if we’re having a boy or girl.” I quirked my lips. “They’re still getting over the fact I’m even pregnant in the first place.”

“They’re not happy?”

I tipped my head to the side. “Uh, they’re more a little irked about the fact I kept it to myself. I’m dealing with the consequences of my choices right now. Charlie said they’ll come around. He said us telling them tonight instead of a large group will be good.”

“Mmhmm,” Shelby sighed.

I rubbed my belly and watched her closely. “Are you okay?” I asked. The oven had heated up the house a little bit, but it wasn’t so hot that Shelby should be sweating bullets. “Are you drunk or sick?”

Shelby sighed and rolled her eyes. “Neither. Can I tell you something?”

“You’re pregnant?” I guessed. Being pregnant at the same time as Shelby seemed like a neat idea. Though I was twenty-two weeks ahead of her.

“No. Don’t put that on me just yet.” She put her hand in her pocket and pulled out a huge ass diamond ring.

“Holy cumquats!”

She slipped the ring on her finger and beamed proudly. “Wilder asked me to marry him last night, and I wasn’t going to tell you so I didn’t steal your thunder today, but I can’t keep a secret from you.” She raised her eyebrow. “You’re the one who is good at keeping secrets.”

I grabbed her hand and inspected the ring. “Am I never going to hear the end of hiding Nugget from you?” Her ring was freakin’ amazing. I couldn’t look at it longer than a few seconds, or it felt like the sparkle was going to blind me.

“Probably not unless you make me their godmother.”

“That’s bribery, Shelby.”

“Is it?” she pondered.

I rolled my eyes and dropped her hand. “Fine, you’re the godmother. But the only reason I am dealing with these terrorist demands is because you were going to be Nugget’s godmother anyway.”

“Knock, knock!”

“That’s Shannon!” I waddled out of the kitchen and right into Shannon’s awaiting outstretched arms.

“Holy cow, you’ve gotten bigger,” she laughed.