A baby.

She was having a baby.

“Am I that predictable?”

My eyes snapped open, and I scrambled off the floor. “Missy,” I called.

“You knew I wouldn’t leave Bandit alone, didn’t you?” she asked.

Bandit let out a loud bark.

“You never do,” I sighed.

“He needs to go for a walk.”

I stepped to the side. “I can take him,” I offered.

She eyed me closely. “I’m only going to say yes because I need to pee, also.”

I held up my hands. “And I only offered because I know you won’t run off if I have Bandit.”

“Smart,” she muttered. She pushed her key into the lock and pushed open the door.

Bandit bombarded out and jumped up at Missy. “Down,” she scolded firmly. “You can’t jump on me like that, Bandit. We talked about this.”

She probably did have a conversation about jumping up on Missy now that she was pregnant. Bandit was more of her kid than just a dog.

“Hey, Bandit,” I called. “Come over here, and let’s go for a walk.” I grabbed the leash that was hanging on the hook by the door and clipped it to his collar. “We’ll be right back,” I promised Missy.

She nodded and kicked off her shoes. “I know.” She chewed her bottom lip. “I trust you.”

Bandit lead the way out the door, and I reluctantly followed behind. I didn’t want to leave Missy.

She was back in my sight, and I didn’t want to lose her again. Bandit was my insurance to make sure she stayed put.

I sent off a quick text to Shelby to let her know Missy was back while Bandit did his business. We headed back to her apartment, and I raised my hand to knock after I took off Bandit’s leash.

The door opened before I could knock, and Missy stood there.

My Missy.

“Did you do your business?” she asked.

Of course, she was talking to Bandit.

Bandit danced happily and obediently sat at her feet as she gushed over him. “I’m so sorry for leaving you so long,” she whispered. “I got a new toy out for you to make up for it.”

Bandit jumped up and headed into the apartment to find his new toy.

“I don’t know what you did, but you have one of the best dogs I have ever met.” I closed the door behind me and hung up the leash.

“Just love him,” Missy replied simply.

Bandit had found the new bone on his bed and laid down to do a little damage to it.

“Uh, do you want something to drink?” Missy asked.

“Water?” I asked.