Shannon chuckled. “Okay, well, you knew this was going to happen eventually. What did he say when you told him?”

“I didn’t tell him; freakin’ Macon did!” I screeched. I had never liked Macon before, and now I hated him.

“Wait, wait. Who is Macon?” she asked.

“He’s a doctor!”

“Macon Row?”

“The one and only,” I sighed.

“How did he know you were pregnant?”

“He saw me at one of my appointments! He obviously put two and two together and figured out I was pregnant.”

“Oh,” Shannon groaned. “I hadn’t even thought about Macon seeing you. Heck, he only comes to my clinic two times a month.”

“Well, he just so happened to be there when I was there, and now the whole town of Adams is going to know by breakfast tomorrow that I’m pregnant.” How? How had I gone from absolutely no one knowing I was pregnant two hours ago to now the whole town knowing?

I had got the hell out of the diner as fast as I could and was now just driving around aimlessly.

I couldn’t go home because I knew that was going to be the first place Charlie would look for me. I also couldn’t run to Shelby because she would give me up to Charlie in a heartbeat.

“Calm down, Missy. Remember, stress is not good for the baby.”

Stress? This was way more than stress. I was ready to blow a damn gasket. “I knew it was time to swallow the bullet, Shannon, but I didn’t think I was going to have to do it now.”

“Do you mean to bite the bullet?”

I ran my fingers through my hair and turned down Silo Road. “Malaphor. Look it up later, doc.” I didn’t have time to explain how my weird brain worked. “Right now, I need you to get that ticket to Wasilla set up for me. You promised you would buy me a one-way ticket after I told Charlie.”

“Uh, not exactly. I said I would buy you a plane ticket to Wasilla if Charlie was a dumbass about you being pregnant. Right now, you haven’t told me what he said or did when he found out.”

“What did he do?” I screeched. “I don’t freaking know! I told him I had to go to the bathroom and snuck out the back door. He’s probably still sitting at the diner waiting for me.” I couldn’t face him. Not right now. “I’m driving around. I need you to buy the ticket, and then I’m going to sneak into my apartment to grab Bandit and my clothes.” That was the only thing I knew I needed to do.

“Missy,” she laughed. “Why did you run? Did he make a face or something when Macon said you were pregnant?”

I thought back. “Uh, well, no. He just looked shocked.”

“That seems like a rational reaction,” Shannon reasoned. “If he had zero inclination that you could be pregnant, I think he has the right to be shocked.”

“Who’s side are you on?” I demanded.

“I am on Nugget’s side, Missy. You know that.”

“Then why aren’t you buying me a ticket to Wasilla?” I demanded. I was being unreasonable and downright crazy, but I didn’t know what else to do.

Shelby knew I was pregnant.

Charlie knew I was pregnant.

Freaking Macon Row knew I was pregnant. Bastard.

My pregnancy was going to be the talk of the town in no time. I needed to leave, and I needed to leave now.

“I’m going to need you to start at the beginning, Missy. I feel like I’m missing some important things.”

I sighed and pulled over to the side of the road. I shifted my car into park and fought off bursting into tears. “Charlie asked me out to dinner.”