Bandit happily chewed, and his little nubby tail wagged.

“You’re both traitors,” I sighed. And those biscuits were good enough to cry over.

“What is going on with you?” Shelby demanded. “You’re going to get Charlie back tonight, and you’re worried about a biscuit.”

“I’m hungry.”

“He’s taking you to the diner where they have food,” she pointed out. “Literally grab a snack, and let’s go figure out what you are going to wear.”

“I’m wearing my black knit sweater and black leggings.”

Shelby reared back. “Are you going to a funeral or out to dinner?”

“Dinner,” I huffed.

“So let’s find you something a little more fun to wear to the meal you’re going to reunite with your one true love,” she suggested. “Maybe something yellow?”

So I could look like a big yellow blob during dinner? Hard pass. “I’m not wearing yellow. I’m not wearing anything but the clothes I have laying on the bed.” How many times did I have to tell her I knew what I was wearing?

“Come on,” she cried. “For me? Remember how you helped me get dressed when I went and got my man? It was fun,” she cheered.

“Uh, I’m pretty sure that was right when Charlie broke up with me.” I pursed my lips and laughed. “Really was the time of my life.” I had helped Shelby with Wilder because those two were meant for each other, and I was doing anything I could to distract myself from my broken heart.

“Just take this off.” She reached for the hem of my sweater and lifted it up. “I promise it won’t­­–.” Her eyes bugged out when her hand collided with my stomach.

My very pregnant stomach.

I jumped back and ripped my sweater out of her hand.

“Missy,” she whispered.

“I’ve been eating too many biscuits. I need to get back into the gym to get rid of my pooch,” I lamely explained.

“Missy,” she repeated.

I closed my eyes and prayed to god that he would strike Shelby dumb right then and there. “Get my six-pack back, you know? Maybe sit-ups and crunches will do the trick.”

“Or a few hours in the hospital delivering my niece or nephew,” she cried. “Missy Clark, you are pregnant!”

I cringed and waved my hand. “Keep it down,” I whispered. “My whole building doesn’t need to know.”

She stepped to me and boldly laid her hands on my stomach. “Missy, you are pregnant.”

I was fully aware of it. I was hiding it from everyone, but I knew. “Yeah.”

She looked up at me. “Why the heck didn’t you tell me?” she demanded. “This is the most amazing thing ever.”

“Is it?” I asked. “Some might not think breaking up with your boyfriend and then finding out you are pregnant with his baby is a great thing.” Don’t get me wrong, I had fully come to terms with being a mom, but I still wasn’t ready to let the whole world in on that secret. “You can’t tell anyone,” I ordered. “Not even Wilder.”

“Uh, well, I don’t think you’re going to be able to keep this a secret much longer, Missy. You have to be at least twenty weeks.”

I wrinkled my nose and shook my head. “Only seventeen weeks. Nugget seems to be growing at their own pace.”

“Nugget?” she laughed. “That’s what you’re calling him?”

“Or her,” I clarified. “I haven’t found out what I’m having yet.” And I wasn’t sure I was going to find out. I was kind of liking the idea of it being a surprise when they popped out. “Dr. McGee knows, but I told her not to tell me.”

“You didn’t want Dr. Jones to deliver your baby?”