Nurse Tanya didn’t even ask me if the baby’s daddy was going to be joining me today. I was sure Dr. McGee had clued her into my messy life, but I appreciated that she hadn’t treated me any differently than the last time I had been here.

“Nugget is measuring right along with fourteen weeks and looks great.”

“Even though I gained seven pounds?” I asked. No, I didn’t know what my weight was, but Tanya had told me how much I had gained. She didn’t seem worried or concerned by the number, but I needed to make sure I wasn’t pigging out too much on all the cravings I had been having.

It had taken all of my willpower not to eat five brown sugar raisin scones every day. I had limited myself to just one, but my willpower was waning.

“The only way I am going to be concerned with weight gain is if in the next four weeks, you put on fifty pounds, Missy. You need to enjoy this time being pregnant and try not to worry. Keep coming for your checkups, and try to keep the stress to a minimum.”

“Did you forget about my life?” I asked.

She grabbed a towel and wiped off my stomach. “I have not. I will say I was expecting at least one phone call from you the past four weeks but didn’t get one.”

I pulled down my shirt and lifted up on my elbows. “I almost called you a week ago when Charlie told me he missed me, but then he chickened out when I acted like I didn’t hear him so he would say it again.”

“Wait, what?” Dr. McGee asked. “I thought you weren’t seeing Charlie.”

I sighed and laid back down. “I wasn’t, but then Shelby sort of tricked me into coming over for dinner, and Charlie was there.”

“But Shelby still doesn’t know you are pregnant?”

“Nope. No one knows.” Which was honestly a damn miracle because I didn’t think I could keep wearing baggy sweaters and sweatshirts to work with Monica eyeing me closely. Sure, it wasn’t like I dressed like some fashion model before getting pregnant, but I sure didn’t dress so frumpy. “Would you like to know the weather in Wasilla today?” I asked.

“Oh no,” she laughed. “You’re still stuck on Wasilla?”

“My options are telling Charlie I’m pregnant or moving to Wasilla.” I rubbed my belly and sighed. “Wasilla is way in the lead. Charlie can’t figure out if he wants to be with me, but I’m supposed to just tell him I’m pregnant. No, not going to happen.”

“Why?” Dr. McGee asked. “I know you are the one who is pregnant, but Nugget is part of Charlie, too.”

“Who’s side are you on, doc?” I grumbled.

“I’m on Nugget’s side.” She wheeled the ultrasound machine by the door and sat back down. “I don’t like your life, and I can only go by the things you tell me, but from where I am sitting, Charlie is not a bad man. Charlie is a man who, from the sounds of it, has had a lot of big changes with his job and is trying to figure out how to juggle everything.”

“He juggled me by dropping me to the floor, Dr. McGee.” And now he can’t figure out if he wants to pick me back up. Instead, he was keeping me at a distance, and I wasn’t down with it. I needed all or nothing.

“I will not argue that,” she agreed. “But that doesn’t mean he can’t change his mind and realize you’re what wants. Life is hard, Missy, and maybe Charlie is seeing that for the first time. Maybe telling him about the baby will be the thing to snap him to his senses.”

“I’m not into using Nugget to guilt him into being with me.”

Dr. McGee held her hands in the air. “Neither am I. I just think you need to possibly take a step back and look at things from a different perspective.”

“His perspective?” I asked.

“I don’t think it will hurt you.” She wheeled over to the computer and printed out my summary of the visit. “And if after you try to see what he’s going through and why he might have broken things off with you, you don’t agree with what he did, then by all means, I will personally buy you a plane ticket to Wasilla.”

I grabbed the papers from her and frowned. “Promise?” I asked.

“You have my word.” She stood and held her hand out to me. “Now get out of here. I’m going to have to start scheduling you for two appointment spots so I don’t get behind after your appointments. I can’t help but spend more time in here than I should.”

“I’m going to take that as a compliment,” I grumbled.

She laughed and opened the door. “It definitely is, Missy. You’re one of a kind.”

I stepped into the hallway and walked five steps before I stopped. “Holy crap, I just waddled,” I cried. This was not good at all. The only people that waddled were pregnant. How was I going to hide a waddle from the town of Adams?

Dr. McGee busted out laughing. “It was bound to happen, Missy. You are pregnant,” she called.

“Shh,” I hissed.