“I run a fucking fast-food chicken restaurant, guys. I am forever tied to this town and that restaurant. Do you really think someone as fun, amazing, and beautiful as Missy wants that? What the hell do I have to give her?” Chicken Biscuit was my life. There wasn’t going to be anything other than that.

The restaurant had been in my family for years, and that wasn’t going to change.

“You tell her this when you broke it off with her?” Blake asked. “Told her you were always going to live in Adams, and you would always own Chicken Biscuit?”

Wilder scoffed. “Sure the fuck didn’t. Gave her some bullshit about being too stressed out about reopening Chicken Biscuit.”

“Same thing,” I muttered. “I couldn’t give her the attention she needs now, and I won’t be able to later.” Missy deserved so much more than what I could ever give her.

“Dude,” Blake laughed. “You own the damn place. You literally have employees to run the place day to day. Sure, you need to be there overseeing shit, but it’s not like you are chained to the place.”

“And you have me,” Wilder added. “I can tell you think you need to work your ass off at the restaurant because I’m dealing with the marketing and whatnot, but that’s not how it has to be. If I need to be there every day helping you, then that is what I am going to do. Chicken Biscuit is my job, too. Shelby isn’t running for the hills because of that either.”

“She needs more than I can give her,” I whispered.

Wilder laid his hand on my shoulder. “I think maybe you should give Missy the chance to see what you can give her. I’m pretty damn sure she will be more than be happy with what you have.”

I didn’t know if I could do that.

How would I handle giving her everything, and then she decided it wasn’t good enough?

“I’ll think about it,” I whispered.

“Do it, man,” Blake sighed. “Stop thinking about it, and just do it.”

Easier said than done.

Chapter Eleven


“Do you want to know?”

I closed my eyes and shook my head. “No.”

“Okay,” Dr. McGee replied.

“Can I look?” I asked.

She laughed softly. “Unless you suddenly learned how to read an ultrasound, yes. Nugget isn’t exactly making it easy to see what they’re packing downstairs.”

“But you can tell?” I asked. I opened one eye and squinted at the ultrasound screen. I couldn’t tell what I was looking at. Sure, I could make out the shape of the baby, but beyond that, no clue.

“Yup, I know.”

Oh jeez.

Maybe I did want to know.

She squirted more goop on my belly and moved the wand thing around. She typed a few things and then turned up the volume. “Listen to that strong heartbeat,” she cheered. “That has to be the best sound.”

The steady thump, thump, was amazing. It was so hard to wrap my head around the fact that the perfect little nugget was inside me.

“It’s amazing,” I whispered.

My visit with Dr. McGee was much more relaxed than the last one.

She already knew my story, and I didn’t have to confess it all or lie.