I was standing on the top step of the porch, and it felt like my heart was walking away from me. Sitting at the same table with her for the past two hours was something I didn’t know I missed.

I missed just being around her.

She made things better even when she wasn’t talking to me.

“I’ve missed you.”

“What?” she called.

It would help if I actually spoke loud enough for her to hear me. “Uh, it was good seeing you again.” Chicken out much, Charlie?

She nodded. “Yeah.”

“Uh, how have you been?” After sitting at the table with her for two hours, I asked her how she was doing. I was really slick with professing my love for someone.

“What are you doing, Charlie?” she asked. She took two steps toward me and threw her hands in the air. “What is this?”

I ran my fingers through my hair. “I, uh, I don’t know what it is. It was just good to be around you tonight.”

She looked around and nodded. “Okay. Is that all?”

“Missy.” My shoulders dropped, and I just didn’t know what else to say.

“I don’t know what to say to you, Charlie. You made it pretty clear three months ago that you didn’t want there to be an us anymore, but now you’re chasing me down and showing up at my work. I’m trying to give you what you said you wanted, but it’s pretty hard to do that when I can’t get away from you.”

I didn’t want her to get away from me. “I didn’t tell you to get away from me,” I insisted. “That wasn’t what I wanted.”

She held up her hands. “Not your exact words, but that is what I felt. That is what I have to do because I can’t do whatever this is between us right now. Don’t make me be by you when I can’t have you.”

She could have me. I wanted her by me more than my next breath. “I... I...”

She shook her head and stepped back. “I’m not doing this. I cannot do this. I need someone who, without a doubt, wants me and everything that comes with me. Have a good life, Charlie.” She turned on her heel and marched to her car with Bandit at her side.

Bandit glanced back at me, but Missy never turned.

She herded Bandit into the car, and was gone before I could make my feet move.

“What the hell are you doing, man?”

This was not what I needed right now.

“Sounded like he was fucking things up royally with Missy.”

Yeah, not what I needed.

Wilder and Blake telling me how I had just fucked up was not on the list of things I wanted to hear.

“He fucked things up three months ago,” Wilder explained. “I really thought he was going to fix that shit, but dude can’t even get words out.”

“I’m leaving,” I called. “I don’t need you two to tell me what an idiot I am. I can do that myself.”

“What is keeping you from her, man?” Wilder asked. He stepped out onto the porch and stood next to me.

“Missy is amazing,” I sighed.

“Yup,” Wilder agreed. “A great reason to break up with someone. They’re amazing. Disgusting.”

“She’s amazing, and you’re not into that?” Blake asked. “More into lame chicks?” he guessed.