“No, no,” I gasped. “I’ll just keep my sweater on. No reason to turn up the heat when I’m the only one who is cold.” God knew if Shelby turned the heat up, I would get hot and then have to sweat my butt off in the sweater because there was no way in hell it was coming off.

“Are you sure?” she asked.

I nodded and opened the screen door. “More than sure.”

Shelby walked in and I followed behind.

She still had Bandit’s leash, so I had to come in.

As soon as she let that leash go, and I got my hands on it, I was out of there.

“There’s my sneaking Shelby,” Wilder called from the dining room.

Shelby rolled her eyes and led the way into the dining room. She patted Wilder’s chest and leaned up to press a kiss to his cheek.

“Bandit,” Blake called. “I’m so used to seeing you at the café.” Blake was sitting at the table and pushed his chair back.

Charlie was sitting next to him, and his eyes were glued to me. I nervously pushed my hair behind my ear and resisted the urge to wrap my arms self-consciously around my waist. My sweater was baggy, but if I pulled it taut around me, anyone would be able to see my bump.

Bandit pulled Shelby over to Blake, and she handed the leash to him. “Don’t give him to Missy. If you do, she’ll leave.”

I glowered at Shelby. “You do know you’re holding me against my will.”

Shelby smiled. “And?”

Oh, she was not playing fair at all. I folded my arms over my chest and plopped down in the nearest chair. I instantly dropped my arms and pulled on the hem of my sweater.

Do not draw attention to your stomach, Missy.

Bandit sat in front of Blake and enjoyed all the pets while I tried to look anywhere but at Charlie.

Shelby had everything laid out on the table except for the main dish.

“I hope everyone likes lasagna,” she called. “I used the recipe I got from Flo a few years ago.”

“How did you get Flo’s recipe?” I demanded.

Flo’s lasagna was the thing of legends.

It was saucy, meaty, and extremely cheesy.

She also never told anyone how to make it.

I had tried so many times to figure out what she did to make it taste so good, but I could never quite figure it out.

Shelby walked into the dining room with a huge steaming pan of lasagna and set in right in front of me. “Flo gave me the recipe,” she replied simply.

“And you failed to tell me you had the recipe?” I demanded.

Shelby shrugged. “She said she would give it to me, but I had to promise her I wouldn’t share it with anyone until she passed away,” she explained.

“Wait, Flo died?” Charlie asked.

Shelby shook her head. “Of course not. We all know that if either Flo or Del die, it would be broadcast around the town the instant it happened. She’s very much alive. I just thought I would make it for dinner tonight.”

“I’m confused,” Blake laughed. “She made you promise not to share it with anyone until she died, but you made it for all of us.”

“The recipe,” Shelby laughed. “She made me promise I wouldn’t share the recipe with anyone until she died. I can make the lasagna all I want. I just can’t tell you guys what the secret ingredients are.”