
“Give me my dog.”

Shelby stepped back and shook her head. “Only if you come inside for dinner.”

“You never once mentioned that Charlie was also going to come over for dinner, Shelby.”

“Would you have come if I told you he was going to be here?” she asked.


“See, that is why I didn’t tell you,” she reasoned. At least, I’m sure it sounded like logical reasoning to her. It just sounded crazy to me.

“Give back Bandit’s leash, Shelby. I’m going home.” I was not prepared to have dinner with Charlie.

Never would be.

“Just dinner, Missy.”

I shook my head. “No.”

“I’ll make sure you sit on the other end of the table from him. You won’t even have to look at him.”

I shook my head.

“Please,” she whispered. “I promise if it’s really bad or awkward, you can leave. I won’t chain you to the table.”

“I absolutely hate you. I don’t know why we’re best friends.”

Shelby preened. “Because you love me.”

“I’m not too sure about that anymore.”

“Come on.” Shelby looped her arm through mine and turned us toward her house. “Do you remember when you had to push and nudge me toward Wilder?”

“Charlie and I are not at all like you and Wilder. Charlie said in very plain words that he did not want to be with me anymore, Shelby. Wilder never once said anything remotely close to that to you.”

“No, but he did move away for nine years while I stayed back in Adams pining over him,” she pointed out.

“Still not the same,” I muttered.

She dragged me up the sidewalk and onto the porch. “Are you cold?” she asked.

I wrinkled my nose. “No, why?”

“Because you’re wearing a big, frumpy sweater.”

My eyes darted to the side. “Uh, yeah. I was a bit chilly when I got in my car.” And also, Nugget had decided to pop out a bit more.

Okay, a lot more.

If I stood sideways, my stomach stuck out. Even if I tried to suck in, I was still obviously pregnant.

I was now close to twelve weeks pregnant. You can bet your butt I had Googled and researched till my eyes were ready to bug about when I would start showing.

Nugget seemed to be above average and was showing already.

“Do you want me to turn the heat on?” she asked.