I nodded. “Did you only get half an hour's notice, too?”

He hopped out of his car and laughed. “I think I had a forty-minute notice.”

“You two should be thankful to be invited and not stand in the street like two old geezers complaining about being invited to dinner,” Shelby called from the porch.

“Did you know she was standing there?” Blake muttered.

I shook my head. “Not a clue. If I had, I wouldn’t have talked so loudly.”

“Whispering is rude,” Shelby called.

“Why does it feel like we’re going to dinner at the principal's office or something?” Blake laughed.

“Because that’s exactly what it is.” We walked up the front walk to the porch, where Shelby and Wilder rocked back and forth on the swinging bench.

“We eating out here?” Blake asked.

Shelby shook her head. “No. We’re waiting for one more.”

“One more?” I asked.

A sly smile spread across Shelby’s lips.

“Shelby,” Wilder growled.

“What?” she asked.

“Who is the one person we are waiting for?” he demanded.

“I was just trying to make things even. I’m the only girl with you three.”

No. God, no.

I was not ready to have to sit across from Missy during dinner.

Please let it be anyone else but her.

It had been two weeks since I had bumped into Missy outside of the café, and if I could go another fifty to seventy years without seeing her, then maybe I could get her off my mind.

Shelby obviously wasn’t going to let that happen.


“Yay, our last guest is here,” Shelby cheered. “Why don’t you guys head inside, and I’ll help Missy.”

Wilder shook his head, but ushered Blake and me into the house.

The screen door slammed closed behind me. “What the hell, man?” I asked Wilder.

Wilder held up his hands. “I had no damn clue that she invited Missy, Charlie. If I had known, I wouldn’t have asked you to come.”

This was not going to be good.

Missy barely had talked to me when I saw her two weeks ago, and now I was going to have dinner with her.

Just freaking perfect.

Chapter Nine