“That all falls under doctor-patient confidentiality, right?” I asked.

“I don’t think I could remember all of that if I wanted to, Missy,” Dr. McGee confessed.

“It’s a lot,” I agreed.

“Well, yes, but I think I can remember the highlights.”

“The big, main highlight is that you and your nurse are the only ones who know I am pregnant.” I leaned toward her. “How long until my stomach gets so big that I can’t hide it?” I was all over the place.

It was like a weight had been lifted off me by telling someone what was going on, and now I wasn’t going to be able to keep my mouth shut.

“Uh, well, that really depends on the person. Since you’re nine weeks now and only have a small bump, I would say you’re not going to be huge, but I honestly can’t tell you for sure. You could wake up tomorrow morning and look very pregnant, Missy. Have you thought about telling the baby’s daddy and seeing what happens?”

I shook my head. “No. That is not going to happen. I think Wasilla is going to happen. Wasilla seems more likely to happen than Charlie finding out about Nugget.”

“What about your friend? You said you’ve known her a long time. Maybe she could be able to help shed some light on things better than I can.”

I shook my head. “She’s in love with Charlie’s business partner. She would tell Wilder, and then Wilder will tell Charlie. You are the only one I can tell, Doc.” I hitched my thumb toward the door. “And your nurse. She won’t tell anyone, will she?”

“Uh, no. Tanya won’t say anything.”

I nodded. “Good. I liked her.”

Dr. McGee smiled. “Uh, I do, too. Let’s get the exam underway, and you can ask me any questions you have.”

She did a very thorough exam, and I was too distracted to think of any other questions I had. “That’s the heartbeat.”

Dr. McGee was at the end of the table doing what she had called a vaginal ultrasound. I had gone my whole life thinking ultrasounds when you were pregnant were just them moving some goop all over your stomach, and then you got to see your baby.

I was wrong.

She had told me I would have one of those next time, but right now, the baby was too little to be able to see it externally.

I listened closely to the quiet thumping and smiled. “Nugget,” I whispered.

That was my little Nugget on the screen. Dr. McGee had pointed to something that looked like a lima bean and told me that was the baby, so I took her word for it.

“Everything is looking good, Missy. You’re tracking right along with nine weeks.”

“Nugget looks okay?”

She laughed. “From what I can tell, yes. The heartbeat is very strong, and there is good movement. On our next visit, you’ll come in for an external ultrasound, and you can find out the sex if you’d like.”

Whoa. Find out the sex of Nugget? “Uh, do I have to?” I was still coming to grips with being pregnant. I wasn’t sure I was ready to make Nugget a boy or girl yet.

Dr. McGee extracted herself from my who-ha and patted my leg. “Go ahead and sit up.”

I scrambled up, and she sat down on her rolly chair.

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, Missy. You can literally decide the day of if you want to know if you’re having a boy or girl. You can decide not to want to know next time, but if you want to know the time after that, we’ll tell you. You are in charge.”

“Uh, how long until our next visit?” I asked.

“We’ll aim for every four weeks from here on out until you hit thirty weeks, and then we’ll go to every two weeks until you get to thirty-six weeks.”

“What happens after thirty-six weeks?” I whispered.

Dr. McGee laughed. “Every week until Nugget makes an appearance.”