Page 17 of The List of Things

“You did. You started the conversation with soooooo. That means you did something... Or you’re thinking about doing something. Which one is it?”

I drag my bottom lip through my teeth, preparing myself to tell her.

“So remember that list I said I was going to make you? The one that was going to prove that things in romance movies don’t ever happen in real life? Well, I was almost done making it, and I tutored Bellamy Archer in my apartment the other day, right?”

She sits up at the mention of Bellamy, her interest piqued.

“I’m listening...” She has a mischievous look on her face.

Knowing my best friend so well, she has to have a million and one crazy ideas swirling through her head right now.

“Well, he obviously grabbed the list-”

“Obviously,” Sienna is smirking at me, completely relaxed on my couch.

She’s eating every ounce of this up.

“He asked what it was, and wouldn’t give it back, and then he suggested that he help me complete it, and I don’t know why. I have no idea what his intentions with it are, but I said no. He asked again and again, and I said no every single time, and then he just said okay, and wished me a good summer.”

She tilts her head toward me like she’s waiting for something else.

“I don’t see the problem...” She shakes her head. “So you’re not into him like that... That’s fine, and he’s obviously a good guy, he’s not going to try and force you, or make you go out with him.”

I nod, agreeing with her partially.

“But?” She asks.

“But ever since I said no, and he said that’s fine, I have not been able to shut up that stupid little voice in the back of my head, and I can’t stop thinking about it, or him,” It almost burns my tongue admitting it out loud.

“Okay, that’s exciting. So when are you going to tell him? I have been waiting for this moment since the day you said you were tutoring Bellamy, he is-”

“No... No, absolutely not. I was telling you that so you could talk me out of it.”

“Then you’re shit out of luck because I was going to tell you that you should do it.”

I cover my face with a throw pillow and groan into it as loud as I can.

“Oh come on Kam. What’s the worst that could happen?”

I throw the pillow across the living room and sit up as quickly as possible.

“He falls head over heels in love with me, and I break his poor little heart.”

I’ve never seen Sienna roll her eyes as hard as she just did.

“Okay, when I don’t know what to do, I make a pros and cons list, so that’s what you’re going to do. So pros... I don’t want you to talk, I’ll tell you what they are. He’s a quarterback which means he has quarterback hands.”

“Quarterback what?” I interrupt.

“Quarterback hands… Oh my god, do you know anything? Not only him, but practically every football player has hot hands. You can’t tell me you never noticed them,” She says as I continue to shake my head, having no clue what she’s talking about. “Okay, well, you’re in for a treat. He probably knows just how to use his large, football player hands too... That’s a very very big pro.”

Sienna doesn’t let up about the hand thing.

“I don’t care about his hands. I care about the fact that Bellamy has never been the type to do casual. He’s more like you, and I’m more like… Like his best friend Lawson who can’t keep it in his pants,” I shrug, and Sienna’s eyes go wide.

“Okay, well… Did he says he wanted more than the list?”

I shake my head no to her question.