Page 7 of The List of Things

They really are comfortable. I look back toward the road instead of at the stolen bottoms.

“God, your sex life is like a book in itself. I fucking wish,” Her eyes are amused as she looks at the fast moving asphalt in front of her.

“Men are simple minded creatures. If you want to get laid, make sure he’s single, and it’s easy from there.”

Sienna shakes her head, her pretty naturally curly hair bouncing as she does, “I am not confident enough for that.”

“You should be. You could literally get anyone you want Si, you’re like the epitome of perfection,” I boost her the way she always does me. I mean it too, every word.

“I know I’m hot. I know I could probably get anyone, but I don’t want anyone. I don’t do hookups.”

I furrow my brows at her. She’s got highlights in her natural hair. Her brown skin is dewy per usual. Dear god, I need her skincare routine. She’s wearing dark brown lipstick to match her shimmery eyeshadow. Normally when she’s on the field she takes out all her piercings, but right now she has her septum in. I could never pull it off, but she does so well.

“I know that’s a lie, there’s gotta be somebody. Everyone is attracted to someone.”

“Not true, some people aren’t,” She’s trying.

I can give her that, but she won’t win with me.

“Okay you’re right, some people aren’t but I know you’re not one of them,” I fight back.

“Okay so maybe Lawson Bennet is the hottest person I’ve ever seen,” She’s correct about that.

I clap my hands together in excitement, “I fucking knew it… Perfect choice. He does have a nose ring, which is always a red flag, but he’s only being used for sex so it shouldn’t matter.”

He’s always up for a hookup or at least he’s rumored to be. He has dirty blond hair, meaning he’s not my type, but he’s attractive, to say the least.

“Problem one, he plays football, and I hate football players. Problem two is that I feel like I would never have time… Not with school, and lacrosse… I don’t do hookups. I’m bad at… at all of that kind of stuff,” She spills.

I know she hates football players because of her shitty ex. Thank god that she dumped him two years ago. Even with that, she doesn’t have the closure she needs to move on just yet.

“Well, you don’t need that much extra time to have fun and see where things go. It doesn’t have to be serious. I think you should at least try. I mean, I would. Lawson Bennet is hot and available. I’ve also heard that he’s fantastic in bed. Hookups are easy!”

“You have bigger balls than I do but, I’ll think about it,” She promises.

She’s not the kind of person that would say something just to get me to shut up. Sienna is incredibly hard headed. She will always do what she wants. I like that about her, she never puts up with bullshit.

The apartment complex we pull up to is a bit farther from campus. This place is far too expensive, and somewhere I would never be able to afford alone. A lot of the students here don’t pay for their housing, their parents do. Leah Ashley is one of them. We aren’t friends in the slightest. She only invites me to these because she knows I will get the buzz going about the event.

Sienna and I get out and walk inside the building together. The elevator takes us to the 10th floor which is the very top of the building. We’ve both been here plenty of times before. It seems to me that Leah is always throwing a party.

The moment we walk through the unlocked door my eyes land on the typical groups. The people on the couch, half watching whatever is on the TV despite having no sound on, and the other half far too infatuated with the other person to even come up for air. There’s a group of rowdy boys, most of them football players in the kitchen. There are the wall huggers, cups close to their mouths which is normally what I am. Then there are the scattered talkers, some people bouncing, and some just standing still. Leah’s place is giant, big enough that people could disappear together and no one would notice for the night. I’ve done it a time or two.

“Look who’s over there,” I point out Lawson, and Sienna only looks for a second.

“Alcohol first, then I will talk to him,” She directs me to the kitchen.

“I like the way you think.”

I open the fridge and grab a seltzer from the top shelf. Sienna goes straight for a handle of vodka on the counter. So that’s how tonight is going to go. Hell, who knows, she might not be my ride home – she might be going home with someone else.

“You’ll drive if I can’t?” I nod right away.

“Or we can Uber. I’ve got you. That is if you even need a ride home. Who knows whose bed you’ll end up in tonight.”

She pours herself a shot, and downs it like a champ. She jumps up and down, shaking herself out. I watch her hair bounce as she prepares to talk to Lawson.

“How do I look?” She asks.