I settle into him, my lips brushing against his ear as I move into his warmth. We woke up together yesterday too, but like I said before, we barely slept. Last night I had what felt like one of the best nights of sleep in my life. Bellamy is the perfect person to sleep next to. It’s like he’s dead for a few hours, honestly.
“Are you trying to kiss me? This early, Kamryn?” His voice is husky with sleep. “Good,” He speaks before I can, and turns his face to me, planting a kiss on my lips, and my cheeks, and he takes hold of my face to kiss me all over, making me laugh as I try to brace myself.
“I’ve never met someone who’s an all day kind of person, but you are that person,” I tell him, shoving him away from me. He leans up, coming into my space again to lean halfway over me. His finger curls around a strand of my hair as he looks at me, twirling it around his finger.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re not a morning person, and you’re not a night person. You’re both… and it’s honestly annoying.”
He raises his eyebrows at me, a shocked smirk on his lips.
“Annoying? Don’t be mad because you can’t compete Ryn,” He moves off of me, and my stomach turns but settles at the sight of his body. My mind is finally starting to get used to him, and the way he looks.
“Get ready. We’re watching clouds today, just likeUp.”
I smile. I get out of bed, and he takes my hand pulling me into him.
“I’ll be back in an hour,” He kisses me quickly and starts to move toward the door. It almost feels like an instinct to tell him. To tell him I love him, and my chest bursts at the thought. I don’t love him, there’s no way.
“Text me when you get back. And then when you’re on your way here again.”
He nods and leaves quickly.
Now I’m alone in my own thoughts and instantly my mind is reeling wondering if that’s even possible. I’ve known Bellamy through friends and others for a long time. I’ve known of him, but I didn’t actually speak to him until this year, not until I started tutoring him this past semester. I was aware of him, but not like now. I’ve only truly known him for almost two weeks now, and I don’t think it’s possible to fall in love in less than two weeks. In a normal circumstance, this would be insane. I would be admitted. So I think it’s infatuation, not love, that’s final.
* * *
Bellamy picked me up,and he hasn’t taken his eyes off of me since. It’s been hard for him to even focus on the road. He’s got his normal sunglasses perched on his nose, and his hair done, but still perfectly messy. He wears a normal white shirt with khaki colored slacks. He paired it with a white pair of tennis shoes, and he looks just as good as normal. I wear a black dress, one that hugs my chest, and billows out at my waist. It has a cut out in the back exposing my skin there. I paired it with a pair of Dr. Martens, and it seems like he’s got some sort of problem with it. I look at him with a question in my eyes.
“Is there something wrong with the way I look? Do I have something in my teeth?” I show my teeth and then look in the mirror, and he takes my hand finally.
“No. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the way you look, baby.”
I slump back in the car, and look at him, “So why are you staring at me like I’m from another planet?”
“Because sometimes you look so pretty I think that might be the only way you exist here,” He refers to the other planet I mentioned. I pause, knowing I’m blushing like an idiot in front of him, but I don’t think I’ve ever in my life been complimented so blatantly. I look at him, and he’s smiling as he looks at the road. “Black is your color.”
I smile to myself. I thought I looked really good today too, and I didn’t need him to seal that thought, but it does feel good hearing it.
“Thank you, Bell.”
He squeezes my hand three times, an odd number, but I squeeze it back, watching as the houses roll by us. He’s taking us pretty far away for just cloud watching. I don’t speak my thoughts, and let him drive, knowing he wouldn’t tell me if I asked.
The area is pretty, but somewhere I’ve never been despite having lived in the state my entire life. This is a wealthy area, near Seattle. I know that just by looking at some of the neighborhoods, and houses that pass us as we drive. I hear a familiar song on the radio and gasp.
“Bellamy Archer. Is this Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift?” He’s played a few of Taylor’s older songs, but he normally sticks to the newer stuff.
“Listen, I grew up with a sister who loves Taylor, and this was her favorite album. Either way, it’s a good-”
“I LOVE this song,” I take his phone from the cup holder, and use it as a makeshift microphone.
I whip my hair and sing, really channeling my inner Taylor Swift as I belt out the lyrics, probably hurting Bellamy’s ears at this point. I look over at him, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile wider. The chorus hits, and I don’t hesitate to lean into him, and his smile that is quite literally making sparks fly in my chest. He rolls to a stop light, and then he cuts my singing off altogether. He has a hand on each side of my cheeks, his lips are so sure on mine, and the world disappears around the two of us.
A car honks behind us, and I jump. Everything comes back into focus, and Bellamy pulls away. He still has a million dollar smile on his lips. I have a million and one butterflies scrambling inside of my stomach at the thought of him, the song, and the moment. Every moment with him. I smile to myself, still humming the rest of the song. Slowly he pulls into a parking lot off the main road, and I notice a widespread area of green. A park, so vibrant. There are a few trees scattered, but there's a huge tree in the middle of the park, with so much shade underneath it.
“This place is beautiful,” I tell him.
There’s a nice breeze today, probably because it’s going to rain later. I’m happy we can both enjoy the sun together while it lasts. He parks the car, and as soon as he’s out, he runs to my side to open the door for me. I thank him, and he helps me down even though I don’t need any help. He’s incredibly aware all the time, and that’s something I’ve noticed since all of this started. He’s not the type to let anything go undone or unnoticed. Even when I don’t need help he wants me to know he can and will if I do end up needing it. He’s thoughtful. More than most.