The student centeris dead quiet as I flip through my notes. It’s late, no one else is in the room, let alone the building besides me and him. The doors will be locked after me and my student leave. I look across the table at Bellamy Archer and instantly feel weird calling him a student because he’s the same age as me, but that’s what he is considering how badly he needs the tutoring.
“You’re staring at it like you’ve never seen math in your entire life. What’s the confused face for?” I pull my notes back, double-checking that the instructions are in English, and not in a foreign language.
Nope, still in English like I wrote them.
“Because your handwriting kind of sucks, Hart,” Bellamy uses my last name.
Typical football player.
“I’m not on the football team, and I’m not actually your teacher so, once again stop calling me Hart,” I raise my eyebrows at him across the table.
He taps his pencil on the table, and smirks. I roll my eyes.
“Okay fine. Kamryn, your handwriting is very messy,” He corrects himself, and I nod with a fake smile on my lips.
“Better. If you can’t read my handwriting, I’ll read you the equation and watch you while you do it,” I stand up, and he raises his eyebrows.
“Watch me while I do it? Didn’t know you were into voyeurism Har… I mean Kamryn,” His golden retriever smile is unyielding.
I sigh deeply and walk over to him.
“Your jokes are a hazard to my health, and also infuriating. Write the equation so I can leave,” I cross my arms as I speak out the math problem to him.
I watch him copy my words and slowly work through the problem. I stand behind Bellamy, peering over his broad shoulders to see what he writes. He misses a step, and I clear my throat.
“Did I miss something?” He looks up at me, expecting me to help like he always does.
I lean over and take the pencil from his hands, slightly bending over the table. I tap on the paper, and circle it with my red pen, hoping he’ll look back and remind himself to do this step every time.
“You missed this step. You can’t forget it,” I remind him, and he nods, his eyes trailing from the paper to my face.
“What would I do without you Kamryn?” His voice is so sweet it’s dripping with honey, and I know it’s most likely sarcasm.
“You’d be absolutely fine, probably benched on the team for having shitty grades, but they’d survive without you, isn’t that right… Archer?” I use his last name just like he uses mine.
“If I sit on the bench will you wrap up all my appendages when you’re on the sidelines? I happen to need extreme care,” He senselessly flirts, and I ignore him.
As a sports medicine student, it would be a dream to be on the football field with the top college team in the nation, but I haven’t been asked to do that just yet, and Bellamy knows that.
“Finish the equation before I finish you,” I snap.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” His smirk is unmistakable.
I circle back around the edge of the table and sit back down, leaning in my chair. I go over my notes, waiting for Bellamy to finish. He slides his notebook over to me, and besides the small slip-up that he fixed, the answer is correct, and the equation is perfect.
“You are such a bright pupil, A-plus for you, are we done now? Our hour was up ten minutes ago,” I look at my phone which is currently being blown up by my best friend who is already on my couch with about ten rom coms lined up for our movie night.
“I just can’t help but want to spend my entire night with you Kamryn,” He closes his notebook, and there’s no sarcasm in his tone, or the look on his face.
He smiles, and I look away from him, packing my things up.
“You did good today, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you’d make a perfect score on our final next week,” I smile at him. He shrugs.
“I’ll do alright. I’ll just sit behind you, and sneak answers from your paper.”