Page 116 of Out of Nowhere

“I’m affronted that you would ask.”

Elle looked at her with derision. “You’ve done nothing to inspire my trust.”

“It’s off the record, all right?”

“All right.” Still Elle hesitated before saying, “To someone as sophisticated as yourself, it’ll sound sappy.”

“Possibly, but give it a shot.”

“The characters in my books are smarter than I am.”

“That does sound sappy, seeing as how you created them.”

“They’re in my subconscious. When they’re ready, they reveal things to me. It can be something as small as the next word of dialogue or as vital as a life lesson. They know it before I do.”

“Never mind sappy. That’s psychotic.”

Elle actually laughed. “I suppose. To an extent.”

“Give me an example.”

“In the first book, there’s a bully among the community of clouds. Like all the other younger clouds, Betsy is intimidated by him. By the end of the story, she’s gathered her courage and stood up to him.”

“She’s no longer afraid?”

“Oh, absolutely she is. Very afraid. But she’s no longer willing to live in the shadow of her fear.”

“Ah. She goes on the offensive.” She eyed Elle up and down. “Did you and Calder cook up this idea together? While in bed?”

Elle gave her a Mona Lisa smile. “Thank you for the interview.” Then she turned and walked to where her friend stood waiting for her.

As Glenda drove them away from the boathouse, Elle did as promised and phoned Calder. He answered immediately. “Hey. All done?”

“For better or worse. It sounds like you’re in a car.”

“Which was it? Better or worse?”

“I got my message across, and Shauna accused me of using her for that purpose. During the interview, I charged her with irresponsible reporting. We’ll never be friends or even friendly, but we didn’t draw blood. I can tell you’re in a car.”

“The Jag.”

“What?” With consternation, she glanced at Glenda, who mouthedAlpha male. “We’re on our way to pick you up.”

“Don’t bother. I left.”

“In your car?”

“It was getting lonesome there in the garage.”

“It’s the most conspicuous thing on the road.”

“Appearing on TV isn’t exactly keeping a low profile, Elle.”

“Where are you going?”

He told her about his conversation with Arnold Draper’s wife and what he’d learned from it. “No siblings of any kind. No kids. It’s a relief, Elle. I can’t tell you how much of one.”

“I’m relieved for you. How was she?”