Page 95 of Unravel Me

Rosie grins, smug and proud, before she takes my cock in one hand, pushing me back down with the other. She sinks down my length, a magnificent sight as her head lolls backward, lips parting on a low, long gasp while everything inside me lights up like a pinball machine, begging me to take control.

“Oh God. This is…” She shifts, rocking forward, and falls forward with a whimper, nails biting into my chest. “Yep, this is it. My favorite of your collection. Tell your friend thanks.”

I pick up the crumpled wrapper, chuckling when I read it.G-Spot, For Her Pleasure.I open my mouth to tell her I’m not going to tell Jaxon shit—it’ll go right to his head—but she picks herself up and sinks down a second time, deeper this time, seating herself all the way on my cock, and I toss my head back with a low growl, fingers digging into her hips with a punishing grip.

Rosie leans over, waves falling around our faces. “I like you weak for me,” she whispers. “I’m weak for you, too, except, somehow, I feel so much stronger with you.” Her soft hand grazes my cheek, and she presses her mouth to mine, coaxing it open. “Thank you for building me up, for making me feel safe enough to be myself, for being the type of man I’m so proud to have my son look up to. Thank you for being you, Adam, exactly as you are.”

Fate has taken so much only to grant me so many invaluable things in this life. And as much as I’ve tried not to question it, to simply take what it gives me, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t sometimes question the process of getting there.

Because if Courtney had loved me exactly as I was and it still didn’t work out, I wouldn’t have lied to Rosie about who I am.

But Courtney didn’t love me for who I was.

And I did lie.

And Rosie has no idea who she’s really dating.

But this isn’t fate’s fault. It’s mine.

* * *

“Did you use them all?”

“I’m not telling you how many times we had sex.” If I were bragging, though, I’d definitely be telling my friends that it’s a miracle my dick is still attached to my body, and that I’m no longer at risk of developing premature arthritis. I don’t feel like bragging though. I’m nervous, and my stomach hurts.

Jaxon wags his brows. “So youdidhave sex.”

“What? No, I—ugh.” I cross my arms over my chest and look away. If I don’t make eye contact, there’s a better chance of me not spilling thejuicy deetseveryone keeps asking for. “Shut up.”

“I’m not asking how many times you had sex. I’m asking if you used all the condoms.”

“Telling you how many condoms we used tells you how many times we had sex.”

Carter winks. “Unless you went in bare after you ran out.”

“I did not.”

“You fucker,” Jaxon muses. “Youdiduse all the condoms. Jesus, that’s, like, six times.”

“Seven,” I mumble, ignoring Carter’s hand when he holds it up for a high five. He resorts to high-fiving Garrett. “But the last one was this morning.” I point at the two of them, shoving their hands into a box of Oreos. “If you two don’t stop eating, you’re gonna be covered in cookie crumbs for your interviews.”

Garrett frowns at his hands before wiping them on his pants. Carter, on the other hand, crunches another cookie between his teeth while looking me dead in the eye.

I roll my eyes. “I don’t give a fuck what you look like in your interview, but I know for a fact Ollie dressed you in that outfit this morning, and if it’s covered in crumbs, it’s gonna be your ass.”

“I can handle Ollie,” he says, licking his fingers, and I snort a laugh.

“Okay, bud. Let’s pretend your five-foot wife doesn’t have your balls in a vice.”

He jabs me in the shoulder. “Five—”jab“—foot—”jab“—one. She’s just got such a powerful personality. You know she’s got those teacher eyes.” He points two fingers aggressively at his eyes. “Sees everything. And don’t get me started on that teacher voice. Turns me on and scares the fuck outta me at the same time.” He sets his cookies down, dusts his hands off, adjusts his junk, and frowns. “Guess I’ll put these away for now.”

Emmett hops off the stool he’s been sitting on for the last ten minutes, shaking hands with the sports journalist who’s been interviewing him. His eyes widen with his grin as he jogs over to us.

“Did I hear you say you went throughsevencondoms last night? Cara’s gonna lose her shit. She says you’ve been ignoring her messages. She’s upset with you.”

Groaning, I pull my phone out of my pocket. I’ve got twenty-three notifications, and all of them are from my group chat with the girls.
