“I’m not arguing that, but ultimately, it’s up to the donor.” She squeezes my shoulder. “You can take a year off. Work at the clinic and save up. The team is prepared to save your spot for next year. What’s another year?”
What’s another year?Another year means me working as much as I can, long days and nights so that I can cover my rent, pay for daycare, and somehow save enough money to cover the cost of vet school. It’s two more years at Archie’s and being the reason he and Marco can’t move in together, because I can’t afford to move out. It’s less time with my son, a mental battle I have to face for letting both of us down, putting our future on hold for another year.
Slipping my backpack onto my shoulder, I head for the door. “Thank you for taking the time to meet with me,” I tell her quietly.
“It’s fine,” I lie. “I’m fine. Enjoy the rest of your summer.”
She watches me closely, and I see the anguish in her eyes. She hates that she has to do this, and I know it’s not her fault. But in this moment, I need to get away from her.
She finally nods, smiling faintly. “We’ll be in touch. Take care, Rosie.”
I rush through the hallways, bypassing the professors and few students roaming around. My throat burns, a tightness that squeezes like a vice. Everything feels blurry, confusing, a muddled mess I can’t see through. I burst through the front doors, stepping into the warm sunshine and fresh breeze, but it doesn’t help. It brings no clarity, and I hurry aimlessly across campus, unsure where I’m going, what I’m looking for.
I won’t find it here anyway, right? I don’t belong here. Not right now, at least.
I…I’m not sure I belong anywhere. And the realization is gutting, buckling my knees, threatening to wipe me off my feet, pull me to the ground.
But I make it to a bench before I fall apart.
“I swear to fuck,Adam, if we lose one more time because of you, I’m gonna lose my shit.”
“He’s distracted as fuck today.”
“Leave him alone. He’s getting laid tonight for the first time in forever. That takes a lot of mental prep.”
“I’m not—no, I’m—that’s redic…” I sigh, my TV screen splattering with the blood of my character as I die yet again, disappointing my teammates on the other end of my headset for the umpteenth time today. “Yeah, I’m definitely kinda-sorta thinking about it.”
I mean, fucking sue me. As Emmett said, it’s been forever. And also, Rosie is Rosie. Have you met her? She’s got the kindest, most patient heart I’ve ever known, and being with her makes me feel alive. Of course I can’t fucking think straight right now.
“He’s doing it again,” Jaxon mutters. “Buddy, you better hop in the shower and rub one out before your girl comes over. Otherwise Rosie’s gonna need to finish herself off tonight when you bust your nut five seconds after you get your dick wet.”
“Fuck you.”Definitely squeezing in a shower.
“What time is she coming over?” Garrett asks.
“I’m waiting for her to text that she’s ready to be picked up. She had to go into school to meet with one of her teachers.” My Apple Watch vibrates, and I chuck my Xbox controller in all my eagerness. “This is probably her.” I frown at the number, swiping the call away. “Never mind. Not her.”
“Who else would it be? Do you have other friends you’re not telling us about?” Carter accuses.
“With your larger-than-life personality? I don’t have room for any more friends.”
“You’re damn right you don’t.”
The same number jumps at me from my watch face, and my brows tug together. I don’t know it, but I recognize it as being the same one that called last week when Rosie and Connor were over. I decline the call again and sit forward on the couch, rubbing my eyes.
“I’m gonna get going.”
“He’s gonna go jack off in the shower,” Jaxon clarifies.
“Hey, Jaxon?”