My heart patters. “Secret bubble? What do you mean?”
He shrugs. “You’ve never even been out in public.”
“You think…” My throat dries, and I scratch it. It’s not as if I haven’t thought about it, wondered when he’d introduce me to his friends. He’s with them all the time, and they seem like family to him. I’ve been waiting, anxious for them to like me, but the invitation has never come. “He doesn’t want to be seen with me?”
Marco grabs my hand. “No, Rosie. No way. I’m sorry, that’s not what I meant. Really, it’s kind of sweet. Like he just wants you all to himself.”
“We really would love to meet him though,” Archie adds with a soft smile. “Why don’t you ask him to come for dinner Sunday? I’m sure meeting your friends will prompt him to introduce you to his too.”
I force the tension in my shoulders away. “Yeah, okay. You’re right. I’ll invite him for dinner.”
I smile, starting toward my bedroom. “And there’s my cue.”
Connor grins as soon as he sees me, reaching his arms up high. “Hi, Mama,” he murmurs as I scoop him into my arms. “Dada?”
“You’ll see Dada later today, honey.”
“Bear? Dada, Bear?”
My heart does something funny, a flutter that drops to my belly, erupting like butterflies.
He’s asking for Adam, not Brandon.
Connor’s grown to love Adam so much, and I can’t blame him. He gives Connor everything he needs, at the forefront of those needs being unconditional love, patience, connection, the things his own father struggles to give him. I don’t want it to be a competition; I want my child to get the love he deserves from all the important people in his life.
“Uncle Arch made pancakes,” I tell Connor as I get him dressed for the day. “Chocolate chip.”
“Pa-cakes?” he whispers with wide eyes. “Wow.”
“Rosie!” Archie calls. “Your phone! Why is the dean calling you?”
“What? The dean?”
He appears in the doorway, phone in his hand. “How’d you already get yourself in trouble? The school year hasn’t even started yet.”
I tear my phone away. “I never get in trouble.”
“Aw-chee! Pa-cakes?”
Archie swings Connor up into his arms. “Come on, little man. I made yours heart shaped.”
I wait for them to leave before answering the call. “Professor McKee? Hi.”
“How many times do I have to tell you to call me Eva, Rosie? You know I don’t like last names and titles.”
“I’m sorry. I panicked.”
Eva laughs, and I sigh, the panic melting. Kinda. Sorta. Not really. Eva’s the kind of professor you hope to have. Approachable, kind. She makes it her mission to make everyone feel comfortable in her presence. But still, it’s August, she’s the dean, and she’s calling me. If that isn’t reason to panic, I don’t know what is.
“Any chance you can pop by my office today?”
“Oh.”I might vomit.“Yeah. Totally. I have my son today. He doesn’t go to his dad’s until later. Is that okay?”
Eva pauses, and the panic in my stomach knots, pulling taut. “It would be for the best if it were just you and I.”
Definitely going to vomit. “Am I…am I in trouble?”