Page 81 of Unravel Me

“That’s totally the sign!” Garrett tells me, sinking back down to his seat.

Carter nods. “Ollie always says she wants baby-free time when she wants to go all night or get super loud.”

“Oh for fuck’s sake.” Olivia growls from inside. “Carter!”

Emmett clinks his beer against mine. “Looks like you’re having sex tomorrow night, bud.”

“Tomorrow night? But that’s…so soon…and what if I…” My throat runs dry, and I lick my lips. It’s been so long. Too long. I’m out of practice. And what if I’m not good? I look down at my trembling hands and blurt, “My hands are sweaty.”

Jaxon watches me carefully. “So Rosie’s ready…but are you?”

Am I ready?Nobody’s ever asked me that before. I guess…I guess I hadn’t really thought of it. I was never ready before, but then, none of those girls were Rosie. I just want to be enough for her.

I leap to my feet, knocking the Oreos to the ground, eliciting a gasp from Carter, who dives for them. I shove my fingers through my hair and blurt the first thing that comes to mind. “I-I-I…I don’t have any condoms.”

With his cookies safe on his lap, Carter runs a palm over his puffed chest. “I’d give you one of mine, but it’d be way too big.”

Olivia’s snort drifts through the patio door. “Carter, if anyone’s taught him the importance of wearing a condom, it’s you. Everyone here knows you don’t own a single one.”

Garrett exhales loudly, leaning back in his chair, kicking his legs out in front of him, resting the back of his head in his clasped hands. “I’d give you some if I had them, but Jennie lets me fuck her raw.”

“Yeah I do, baby!”

“Take that back,” Carter growls lowly.

Garrett tosses one of Carter’s cookies in his mouth. “No.”

Emmett puts his hands up. “Don’t look at me. Me and Cara are trying to have a baby.”

“What’s a condom?” Cara calls.

Jaxon sighs and rises, fishing his wallet out of his back pocket. “I got you, big guy. What do you need? I got ultra ribbed, bare-skin raw, G-spot—that one’s designed for her pleasure; Rosie’ll like it—magnum, banana flavored, fire and ice—”

“Why do you have so many?”

“You never know what she’s gonna—”

A loud crash ends his words, and we turn, watching Carter and Garrett wrestle on the grass.

“I said take it back!” Carter shouts, pinning Garrett to the ground.

Garrett rolls on top of him. “And I said no!”

“You stole my cookies!”

“Ollie said you have to share!”

“You can’t have unprotected sex! You might accidentally have a baby!”

“Proof I fucked your sister! And don’t call your daughter an accident!”

“Ireland, baby, Daddy loves you! You were a happy surprise!”

The patio door slides open, and Olivia, Jennie, and Cara step outside.

“Oh my,” Olivia murmurs, handing Ireland back to Emmett.

“Children,” Jennie mutters.