Page 3 of Unravel Me

No, because I wouldn’t ever do that. Right? And if I did, I’d definitely remember. Sex with a stranger? Not me, not in my right mind.

Unless I wasn’t in my right mind.

I shake my head, sighing when I spot Bear at the edge of the kitchen. “There you are, buddy.”

Chocolate eyes flick to me, heavy with disdain.

Sinking to my knees, I bury my fingers in his thick, dark fur. “I know. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to lock you out of bed, and I’m late for breakfast. I had too much to drink last night. Forgive me?”

He huffs, licks my nose, and goes right back to glaring.

Except it’s not me he’s glaring at.

Following his stare over my shoulder, my heart stalls at the bare legs at my stove. I track the long limbs up, to my Vipers tee that barely covers her ass. Up farther, to the vibrant red hair falling down her back as she fuckingcooksinmykitchen.

“He’s being super grumpy this morning,” a chipper voice tells me as she adds bacon to the sizzling frying pan. “I made his breakfast an hour ago, but he hasn’t touched it. Just keeps staring at me.”

Rising slowly, I glare at the back of the fiery redhead, waiting for it to, oh, I donno…combust? My fists clench, blood thundering in my ears. Bear climbs to his feet at my side, a low growl rumbling in his chest.

“There he goes again with the growling. You’re babying him too much, Adam. You always have.”

“Get the fuck out of my house.”

My ex-girlfriend spins, patronizing blue eyes pinning me with a pout I used to crumble for.

“Is that any way to talk to me, honey?” She saunters over, fingertips sliding through my patch of chest hair before her palm curves around my neck. “Once upon a time, this house was mine too.”

“And then you fucked someone else in my bed.” I had to get a new mattress, and Carter talked me into the outrageously expensive one I sleep on now. A win-win, really, all things considered.

She slings an arm around my neck, giving me those big blue eyes I used to love. “If you’d paid me more attention, I wouldn’t have looked for it elsewhere. But I’m willing to move past it if you are.” Her lower lip slides between her teeth. “You seemed willing last night when you let me in.”

Let her in?Drunk or sober, there’s no fucking way I’d let this she-devil into my home.

I sort through last night’s memories as I pry her arm off me but come up empty. “I didn’t let you in.”

“Then how did I get in here, Adam? Why am I in your T-shirt, making breakfast in your kitchen?”

“Beats me. Witches have all kinds of superpowers, I’ve heard.” Pushing by her, I turn off the stovetop and shift the pan off the burner, jaw clenched.

This isn’t the quiet girl whose hand was clammy when I reached for it on our first date. Not the woman I gave my virginity to at seventeen. Not the partner I built dreams with, shaped my life around.

Soft hands glide slowly down my back, and I close my eyes as she wraps her arms around my waist, stepping into me.

“I miss you,” Courtney whispers. “Please, Adam. We can be happy again.” Warm lips touch my shoulder, and for a moment, I sink into the connection.

I wantsomething. I want to be needed. Appreciated.Loved.

No, I don’t just want it. I fuckingcraveit.

And she can’t give me any of that.

“I deserve more.” Turning, I pull her arms away and take her chin in my hand, forcing her eyes to mine, making sure she hears my words. This will be the last time I speak them. “I deserve more than what you can give me, Courtney. I deserve better.”

And I’ll find it.

Her eyes widen, glossing over as she shakes her head. “No. Adam, no.”

“Yes. There’s nothing left. Walk away, and don’t come back.”