Page 171 of Unravel Me




Four days is far toolong to be apart when what we need more than anything is each other. It’s far too much time for overthinking, for catastrophizing, the things I normally do best. It’s time I didn’t need to figure out how to handle this situation, because I’ve known from the moment those words left Courtney’s mouth.

All I can do, all Iwoulddo, is stand by Adam’s side.

But the surprise he wore when he found me waiting for him, something about it broke me. I’ve spent so much of my life believing I wasn’t enough. That if I was better, somebody would choose me, give me the love I so desperately wanted. Adam’s spent months building me up, helping me realize it was never about me. That I’d always be enough for the right people. But at one a.m., the terrified look in his eyes told me he wasn’t so surehewas enough.

And now, I’m dedicating the rest of my life to making sure this man next to me never questions his worth again.

I look up at the boutique coffee and pastry shop and swallow my annoyance. Of course Courtney requested Adam meet her at their old favorite date spot. Adam looks just as annoyed beside me, with a side of nauseous as he grips the manila envelope in his hand.

He hates that it’s come to this. After everything this woman has put him through, this kind man I get to call mine would rather she just see herself out of his life silently.

“We don’t have to do this,” I remind him gently. “If it’s not what you want, Adam, we can wait until the baby is born and request a paternity test. We can wait this out quietly.”

He shakes his head, and the envelope scrunches beneath his tightening grip. “She lost the right to quiet when she brought you and Connor into this. I’ve tolerated a lot of her bullshit, but I refuse to tolerate that.” He takes my hand in his, squeezing as his eyes come to mine. “I love you, Rosie. Thank you for standing by me.”

I hope one day he’ll understand that there is no other place for me and Connor than at his side.

All I’ve ever done with love is lose it.

But I won’t lose this. Not Adam, not this life we’re building together.

I refuse.

The bell over the door jingles as we walk in, and heads rise, eyes bulging when they see their very own Adam Lockwood.

“Adam.” Courtney stands, a wide grin stretching across her cheeks. Even after all the ugly things she’s done, she’s still painfully beautiful. So much so, that for the briefest moment, a seed of insecurity blooms.

And then Adam squeezes my hand, and I bury that seed so deep, refusing to give it roots to grow.

Courtney’s bright blue eyes dim when they spot me, her jaw setting in a harsh line as we approach the intimate booth she picked in the back corner. Its location does nothing to stop all the wandering gazes from following us. “I thought it would be just the two of us.”

“It’s fitting that, if I’m talking about the prospect of expanding my family, my current family is present, no?”

She crosses her arms over her chest. “I’m not sitting with her.”

“You’re right; she’s not sitting.” He drops the envelope on the table in front of her. “We aren’t staying.”

“What is this?”

“A letter from my lawyer. He’s sending you one via email too. It should be in your mailbox in…” He checks his watch. “Two minutes ago.” Then he smiles at her, sadistic and devastatingly handsome. “Selfishly, I had to see your reaction in person.”

There’s a slight tremor in her hands that she tries to hide as she opens the envelope, pulls out the letter. Her eyes move over the words, and any hint of confidence she was managing to hold onto slips from her face, droops in her shoulders.

“You’re suing me?”

“For two-point-five million,” he confirms, pointing out a spot on the document.

“But you-you…you can’t do that.”

“I can, actually. Your bullshit sob stories have accomplished nothing but harm my reputation. I might’ve let it go, but then you dragged people I love into it. You know, I really can’t comprehend how you thought dragging my name through the mud was the best way to get to me, but then again, you haven’t always made the best decisions.”

“I can’t afford that,” she splutters. “I don’t have that kind of money. I’m having a baby!” Her gaze flicks to me, lighting with fire, jealousy for something she gave up. “What kind of toxic bullshit is she planting in your head? You would turn away your own flesh and blood and the mother of your child for some bitch and her offspring? The kid’s dad didn’t want him, and he didn’t want her either.”