Page 163 of Unravel Me




“I’mscared to leave you with them.”

Cara rolls her eyes, sipping her shimmery red cocktail. “Say that one more time, Adam, and I’ll give you something to be scared about.”

“You keep saying that like Rosie’s not already one of us,” Jennie adds.

“She joined the book club. She’s officially infiltrated the group. There’s no turning back now.” Olivia slaps Carter’s hand under the table and holds up her butter knife. “Carter, I swear to God, if you try to slip your hand under my dress one more time, I’m going to saw it off. We’re at a fundraiser for kids, for fuck’s sake.”

Carter pouts. I’ve learned no one does it quite like him, except maybe his sister. Something about those Beckett dimples, maybe. “Yeah, but there are no kids here, and your legs keep peeking out of that slit.”

Garrett tosses back his water. “Yeah, Carter. Take her to the bathroom instead. Jennie and I have already been.”

“You motherfucker,” Carter seethes, launching himself across Olivia, a battle of slapsies ensuing between the two adult men, or overgrown children, whichever you prefer.

“Sisterfucker,” Jaxon corrects, and Emmett high-fives him.

Adam stands, folding his napkin and placing it on the table. “Yeah, see, this is exactly what I mean.”

“Rosie can hold her own,” Carter says.

Emmett tosses his arm over my shoulder. “We’re gonna tell Rosie how you got your nickname Woody.”

Adam’s eyes widen. “No.”

“I thought it was because his last name is Lockwood?”

“They caught Adam jerking off on his first road trip in his hotel room,” Jaxon tells me.

Adam shoves a finger in Jaxon’s face. “You weren’t even there, twat-waffle!”

The table goes silent, and then promptly explodes with laughter.

Carter makes a claw with his hand. “Rawr.”

“I love getting him riled up,” Garrett says.

I chuckle, grabbing a fistful of Adam’s crisp white button-up, tugging him down to me. “I’ll be fine. I know exactly who these people are, and I choose to love them, and you, anyway.”

“Was that an insult?” Carter whispers. “It felt like an insult.”

I press my lips to Adam’s as the emcee introduces him. “You look so handsome. I won’t be able to take my eyes off you up there.” He grins, and I pull him closer, my lips at his ear. “Then maybe you can takemein the bathroom.”

I swear I hear it, the way his heart speeds up, his slow swallow.

Am I normally this bold? Of course not.

Do I have a penchant for sex in semi-public places where someone could potentially catch us ever since Adam fucked me so hard my soul left my body in that changeroom last week?


Listen, it’s out of my hands tonight. This party goes until eleven so that the boys can board their plane to Tampa forty minutes later. If I want him one more time—and I do—I have no choice.