Page 159 of Unravel Me

“I wasn’t motivated enough,” Cara says, skating in a wobbly circle around us. “Emmett was already obsessed with me. I showed him how I won the award for most tacos eaten in five minutes in university, and he dropped to his knees and begged me to marry him.”

Cara, Olivia, and Carter skate away, and Rosie smiles at Lily.

“Hi, Lily. Adam’s told me so much about you. I’m Rosie.”

Her cheeks flame, and her legs grip my waist tighter as she mumbles, “I like your pink hair.”

“Thank you. It was my mom’s favorite color.”

“Is your mama in heaven?”

Rosie’s eyes flicker. “She is.”

“Mine too.”

She hesitates, then tentatively reaches forward, squeezing her arm. “You must miss her very much.”

“I miss her butterfly kisses the most,” Lily whispers. She taps her nose. “She gave me them right here whenever I was sad or scared.”

A small smile hooks the corner of Rosie’s mouth. “My mom used to give me those too.”

Lily’s face lights. “Really? So you know how to give ’em?”

“I do.”

“Maybe if you give me one, then I won’t be scared to skate.” She looks between us, excitement bubbling, then dying just as fast as she shrinks into herself. “Unless you don’t want to. You don’t have to. Maybe I should sit on the bench.”

Rosie steps forward on two wobbly feet, taking Lily’s face in her hands. My heart thumps a heavy, unsteady beat as I watch her press featherlight kisses along the bridge of Lily’s crinkling nose, watch that little girl’s smile burst like sunshine.

“I think I could try skating now. I feel kinda brave right now.”

When I set her on her feet, she slips a hand each into mine and Rosie’s, and Rosie’s eyes come to mine. The way they dance says it all: she’s in love, which is pretty much exactly what I figured would happen when these two met. After all, it’s been the same for me since that first time Lily slid over on the couch, asked me to read to her.

“I tried taking steps at first too,” Rosie says as Lily clomps between us. “But Olivia told me to try to keep my feet on the ice and wiggle my bum and hips a little bit.”

“Like this?” Lily shimmies her hips, looking up at Rosie as we slowly glide forward.

“Just like that.”

“I’m doing it,” she whispers. “I’m really doing it! Look at me!”

“You’re doing so great, Lily-bug.” I smile at Rosie. “You both are.”

“Dada!” Connor races toward me with his skate aid, Emmett’s hands on either side of him. “Dada!

“Buddy! Look at you!”

“He’s fast as fuck,” Emmett says, stopping Connor before he crashes into us. “I mean, fast as…fuck.” He cringes. “I’ll try better next time, I swear.” Crouching down, he holds his hand up, grinning when Connor slaps it. “Thanks for skating with me, dude!”

“Bye, dude!”

“Oh my gosh.” Lily wriggles free from our grasp, putting her hands on her knees as she crouches down to Connor’s level. “Hi, Connor. You’re so cute. I’m Lily. Can you say Lily?”

“Woooah-ho-ho. Lily! Hug? Conn’a hug Lily?” He spreads his arms wide and steps into her, and the two of them go tumbling to the ice, a giggling mess.

“I think he likes me! I can be your best friend, okay, Connor?”

I pick the two of them up, setting them on their feet, and Lily takes his hand in hers.