“He acts like he’s not one of us,” Carter muses, watching as Jaxon wraps up his performance ofMoana’s “How Far I’ll Go” with a girl dressed exactly like her. “But I knew he was a Puck Slut from the moment he stepped off that plane from Nashville a year ago.”
Garrett pulls off his blue crayon hat and messes up his hair. “When can we go home? I wanna take Jennie to Pound Town once quick in Carter’s bathroom before we go trick-or-treating.”
Carter shoves his elbow into Garrett’s rib cage.
“Ow! I’m telling!”
“I’ll chop off your dick if you touch my sister in my bathroom.”
“You can’t.” Garrett gets this slow, smug smirk on his face, and his chest shakes, already laughing at his own joke. “It’s her favorite ride, right along with my face.”
Jaxon thumbs at Garrett as he rejoins us. “Where did the balls on this one come from in the last year?”
“Jennie,” Emmett and I answer simultaneously.
“I just know she’s gonna look sexy in her costume. I won’t be able to resist her.”
I arch a brow, peeking down at the photo on my phone, the one Rosie sent me a half hour ago, after they left here and went back to Carter and Olivia’s. It’s a group shot of the girls and Connor, and they’re all dressed as different animals and bugs.
I flash my phone at Garrett. “She’s a butterfly.”
“You’d fuck Jennie in a garbage bag.”
“As if you wouldn’t fuck Rosie in one.”
Touché.“Jennie’s not gonna wanna touch you in your crayon dress.”
He gestures aggressively at himself, runs his hands over his crayon-covered hips. “Jennie’s gonna beall overthis.”
He jabs his finger into my chest. “Just you wait. She’s gonna be begging for me. I’ll have to tell her no.”
Jaxon snorts a laugh. “As if you’d ever be able to tell her no.”
Carter’s chest puffs. “Yeah, I gotta tell Ollie no all the time.”
Everyone laughs, except for Carter.
“What? I do!” He frowns, hands on his hips. “Well, I could if I wanted to. I just never want to.”
“You absolutely couldnot,” Emmett argues. “Not even if someone paid you.”
“Wanna bet?” Carter pulls a wad of cash from his wallet. “Five hundred bucks says I can.”
“Oh, I’msoin.” Garrett holds up his own money.
Emmett crosses his arms. “What are the terms?”
Carter thinks for a minute. “No-Nut November.”
“No-Nut—” I bury my face in my hand. “What?”
“The terms are simple. Five hundred bucks each, and we’re all betting on ourselves. No sex, no jerking off, no nutting—period. We start tomorrow, November first. Whoever lasts the longest gets the pot. Twenty-five hundred dollars.”
My face is still in my hands, so I drag them down it in slow motion. “I can’t believe we’re having this conversation dressed as crayons.”