Page 124 of Unravel Me

“And that’s your fucking problem, isn’t it?” He looms over Brandon, watching as he shrinks away. “You’re not a babysitter, you’re his goddamn father, and the last thing you’ve ever done is act like it.”

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Brandon looks at me, a bitter chuckle rising in his throat. “This is who you’re dating? Adam fucking Lockwood? You must be mental if you think this guy cares about anything other than getting pussy.” He looks to Adam. “She must be holding out on you still, otherwise you’d know it’s not worth it.”

“Leave,” Adam says, so quietly, the single word scatters a shiver down my spine. “Rosie, leave. Now.”


“What is she, your newest charity case? She’s a worthless piece of ass, Lockwood. You must know that, though, right? That’s why I’ve never seen her in any pictures with you. You’re embarrassed.”

“Leave,” Adam repeats, eyes locked on Brandon as he points at me. “Take Connor and get in the truck.”

“She poked a hole in the condom just to get a baby out of me,” Brandon spits his lie when I try to walk away, knowing full and well that fucking latex ripped right down the middle. “Because she was so desperate for a family. For someone to fuckingwanther. Someone as rich and famous as you? What do you think she’s gonna do to trap you?”

The door slams in my face, a force so heavy and brutal it knocks me back a step. But that’s not what brings the gasp ripping up my throat.

It’s the sound of Adam’s fist connecting with flesh and bone.



Three times.

His whispered threats are barely audible, and I’m rooted in place as they float through the door, touching my ears.

“You shut your goddamn mouth and quit acting like those two walking out this door and never looking back won’t be the worst thing that’ll ever happen to you. Because I promise you, it fucking is. You’re only gifted something like this once in a lifetime, and somebody else is going to appreciate and love the beautiful family you were given, the same one you took for granted.”

“Who?” Brandon struggles to ask. “You?”

“Yeah. Me.”

The door swings open, and I stumble backward before Adam’s fingers wrap around my arm, catching me. He takes my crying son into his arms without hesitation, hugging him tight as Connor buries hisDadas in Adam’s neck. His hand slips down my arm, fingers linking with mine, and my gaze settles on his swollen, bloodied knuckles.

Adam pulls me into the elevator, his heated gaze coming to mine as his chest heaves with each ragged breath. “I think we need some hot fudge sundaes.”




“You’re really good at that.”

God, he’s so cute, sitting here beside me, trying to make conversation. Why else would he be surprised that I, a fourth-year vet student and mom, am good at tending to injuries? It’s been a slew of remarks since we got here ten minutes ago, less compliments and more general observations.You’ve got a braid in your hair today. I like your purple hair clip. You smell like oranges. Is it just me, or is this grassreallygreen?

My favorite? When he looked at me, swallowed, and whispered,There are thirty-six trees in this park. I counted.

I finish cleaning Adam’s busted knuckles, smearing ointment over them. “Do you want a Batman Band-Aid to match Connor’s?”

Connor taps the bandage on his forehead. “Ba-man.” He pats Adam’s hand. “Dada, ba-man.”

“Do you think he’s calling me Batman?” Adam whispers as I stick a bandage over his knuckles.

“I think you very well might be his personal Batman.”

His chest puffs with pride, and I swallow my snicker. This man is nothing short of a superhero. I thought it when he stormed out of Brandon’s apartment, and it was the only thing on my mind when he walked out of Dairy Queen with my son on his shoulders, bloodied knuckles wrapped around Connor’s foot, a tray of sundaes in his other hand. The sight did something feral to me, and I was back to chanting my brain/tits mantra in my head.

“Thank you,” I whisper as we watch Connor and Bear in the grass. “For sticking up for me and Connor.”