Page 123 of Unravel Me

“You have to meet someone. You said it was important. Your publicist—”

“Canceled. Get in the truck.”


“Connor is a million times more important. There isnobodyas important to me as you and that little boy, so for the love of God, Rosie, get in this truck before I throw you in it.”

My heart thrums, and he doesn’t take his eyes off me as I walk toward him, as he helps me into the seat and shuts me in. He doesn’t say a word the entire drive, silently following my quiet, panicked directions. The truck is barely in park before he’s hopping from his seat, towing me from mine, pulling me through the lobby to the elevator.

As soon as the doors open, Connor’s wails pierce my ears, floating down the hallway of the condo.

“Fuck,” Adam mutters, hot on my heels as I race to the apartment door.

“It’s locked,” I cry, jiggling the handle.

“Maaamaaa,” Connor screams, sending hot tears cascading down my cheeks as Adam gently sets me aside, playing with the lock.

“It’s okay, baby!” I fight to mask the anxiety clawing its way up my throat. “Mama’s here!”

“We’re coming in to get you, okay, buddy?” Adam tells him. “Just hang tight.”

“What do we do? Should I go find Brandon? Get his keys?”

“I’ve got it,” Adam mumbles.

“How are you going to—” I gasp as Adam shoves his shoulder against the door. “Adam, it’s a reinforced door. There’s no way you can—”

His shoulder connects with it a second time, and the door pops off the top hinge. With a grunt, he shoves his body into it once, twice more, and he catches himself against the frame right as the door swings open and the elevator opens behind us.

“What the fuck?” Brandon yells. “My fucking door!”

“Imagine you cared about your family as much as you cared about your door?” Adam bars his arm across the entrance, stopping Brandon from following me as I race through the apartment. “Don’t fucking follow her.”

Connor’s tear-streaked face appears from where he’s trapped between the floor and his tipped-over playpen. Little hands reach for me, fear-stricken eyes colliding with mine, and I rip the playpen off him, scooping him into my arms, pressing my lips to the small gash on his forehead.

“I’m here, baby,” I weep softly into his hair as he buries his face in my neck. “It’s going to be okay. Mama’s got you.” I scoop his bag off the floor, and Adam takes it from me, his hand on my back as he guides me toward the door, past a confused and half-drunk Brandon. “He was trapped under his playpen.”

“He…he…” Brandon’s eyes ricochet from the mess in his living room to the blood trickling from Connor’s forehead. “He must’ve tried to climb out and it tipped over. It was an accident. Right? It was just an accident, buddy. You’re okay.”

He reaches for Connor, and I yank him away.

“Don’t touch him,” I seethe. “Never again. You’ve had a million chances.Too many chances, and like a fool, I kept giving you more because all I’ve ever wanted is for Connor to have a family. But you’re not his family, are you? You don’t care about anyone but yourself.”

“That’s not true,” he tries weakly, eyes flicking to Adam. “I…I love him.”

“You don’t have a clue what love is.”

He rolls his eyes, giving up the act. “And you do?”

“I know it feels nothing like this. This toxic, selfish bullshit you call love does nothing but harm people. And I won’t let you hurt him anymore.”

“So what? You guys are done with me then?”

“You’re not even on the birth certificate.”

He snorts a laugh, shaking his head as I turn to leave. “Whatever. Big fucking loss. Sick of being a goddamn babysitter.”

I spin around, the words on the tip of my tongue, but Adam beats me to it.