Flirt Like a Champ(Cash Murray & Harlow Prince)
Secret Santa(Priscilla King & Presley Murray)
Harris’ Story coming in 2024
King of the Cul De Sac-Murray Brothers Spin Off- (Lennox Shaw & Jesse King) Harlow’s Sister & Priscilla’s Brother
The Barren Hill Series
Beard on Tap(Finn & Gemini)
Codename: Dustoff(Emmett & Amelia)
Whiskey Business-A Barren Hill Spinoff- (Jasper & Remle)
A Whole New World (A Whiskey Business Spinoff, Coming December 2023)
The Jones Brothers (Coming Soon!)
Capivate Me (Sterling Cooper Jones)
Titillate Me (Sullivan Carter Jones)
Extracurricular Academics
Booking Dr. Wrong(Dr. Patrick Ryan & Tabitha Spence)
Witch Please(Dr. Sebastian Doyle & Dr. Imogen Pilar)
Missed Connections(Dr. Phoebe Wagner & Anders Larcohette)
The Royals - An Extracurricular Academics Spin Off
Mile High Monarch(A Missed Connections Spin Off)
The Expireship (A Mile High Monarch Spin Off) Coming Soon!
Deck Pic(Sawyer & Wren)
Romantic Suspense
I Will Always Find You & Found(The Jefe Duet)
Contemporary New Adult
Dirty Little Secret
Secrets of the Heart
Man of the Month Club
TheMAN OF THE MONTH CLUBis a steamy small-town collection featuring a new hottie (or two!) every month. In 2023, escape to Candy Cane Key, Florida, and celebrate ALL the holidays with your favorite group of romance authors and their delicious men.
Check them out onFacebook, onTiktok, in theirreader groupand sign-up for thenewsletter!
Can’t wait to see you there!