Page 29 of Enemies in Earnest

“You never want to go at anyone else’s pace.” She continued once she’d gathered Joe up in her arms. “It’s full throttle or nothing. And now because of it, I’m going to be a laughingstock.”

“You aren’t going to be a laughingstock. Promise. And if by some miracle one of them actually saw anything, I will do everything in my power to squash any rumor before it has a chance to start.”

Our inlet was practically abandoned. Very few residents ever came down this way unless their boat was docked around the bend. Acacia, Me, Manny, sometimes AJ—we were the most frequent visitors of the space on an off night when we had no patrons. The entire town practically was down near the pier in town watching the parade. There was less than a half a percentage chance that those two old biddies could see or hearanythinglet alone the afterglow of our lovemaking beneath the loud boom of fireworks and in the dark.

“They’re going to know that we were making out, Edwin. Tomorrow morning the whole town is going to know about us.”

Acacia’s upset was clouding her common sense. In the morning, I knew she’d see things differently. But her panic clouded any sensible thought. And instead of telling her all of the things that I’d realize in introspection, I blurted the one thing I knew I needed to hold back.

“So!” I bit back. “Let them know! Hell, I’ll shout it from the rooftops myself. Acacia, I love you. I don’t care if those two old ladies found us fucking on that picnic table over there right out in the open. Let them talk. Have them tell the whole world. I finally,finallygot Acacia Ashley to date me. You’reitfor me, Acacia.”

The words tumbled out of my mouth before I could pull them back. Though true, I knew Acacia would not appreciate being firehosed in my truth.

“That is exactly what I mean!” She thrust her finger into my chest. “We literally just had our first date and you’re already professing your love. How is that normal?”

The boats would start coming back to their docks soon. Even with as heated as Acacia was, this would only escalate to really bad if the entire town reallydidknow that we were fighting about having sex in public.

“Acacia, I’ve known you for almostten years. I’ve been in love with you since that day five years ago when we sat on this very spot and had the most perfect date. I’d say that this has been quite possibly a snail’s pace toward this point.”

I tried to take her hand, and she pulled it away. When I tried to get closer to her, she stepped back. We returned to square one, apparently.

“Look, the boats are going to start filing back in here any minute. How about I take you home, and we can call it a night. Once the embarrassment wears off and the morning brings a fresh perspective, you’ll see that this will be something to laugh about.”

She smashed her face into Six Toed Joe's neck, snuggling into his fur. After a moment, she took a deep breath, gathered herself up to her full height, jut that chin out and squared her shoulders before telling me, “I have my own ride home.”

Somehow that one cold and aloof statement felt like the calm before the proverbial storm.


The first thingI did when I woke up was check my phone. Surely if I was the source of town gossip someone would have broken the news to me via text. I certainly wasn’t an early riser, but I assumed by nine in the morning all the old ladies having their coffee and danish over at the Candy Cane Country Club would have their chins wagging by sunrise. Not a single text message, other than one from Edwin asking if I made it home okay.

Screw him.

The moment I saw his name on my screen, I drifted out to sea on a torrent of memories. The night had been absolutely perfect. The best date I’d ever had in all my thirty-five years on this earth. Even the sex. Jesus, the sex. Otherworldly.

I shouldn’t have freaked out on him. I knew it. But also, helovedme?

What kind of shit was that? He’d spent the last five years making my life hell, and then suddenly, on a dime, he is professing his undying devotion to me? I pushed off my covers and stomped into my shower, totally distracted by my careening thoughts.

Felicity: Hey! I hope you don’t mind I got your number from Ed. Yesterday was so much fun! And I’m still cracking up over those posters. Jesus the two of you. ??

Felicity: What time would you like Klaus and I to come help with the party? He knows nothing about Hemingway, but he makes a mean drink and can generally just help wherever you need an extra hand. LMK!

Felicity: Oh and what’s the dress code? Are we doing like casual? Fancy? Somewhere in between? I’m not one to hang around with academic types.

I sawher texts when I got out of the shower. She wanted to come and help with the party? I assumed Edwin didn’t mention to her our blow up the night before.

Me: You don’t have to spend your vacation schlepping drinks and hors d'oeuvres

Felicity: Trust me. There’s nowhere I’d rather be. Klaus too. We love everything about Candy Cane Key, and if this is the night’s activity, we’re all in! Plus, I want to hang out and hear how your date went. ??

Me: The party starts at five. We’ll probably be ready and assembled at four just in case people show up early. I’m about to head over now just so I can start thawing the prepared foods and getting things ready for tonight.

Felicity: Cool. We’ll be over around lunch. I have so much to tell you! And I have the skinny about Marley and Asher too, in case he’s super tight lipped when he sees you.

In all themelodrama of the night I’d forgotten about Asher and Marley. Maybe my gossip would slip from everyone’s notice with everyone focused on his love child’s sudden appearance. On my front stoop sat a vase filled with passion flower and acacia. I didn’t even have to read the card to know who sent them. And the subtle meaning behind the selection was not lost on me either. Both the passion flower and the acacia buds attracted the Acacia Blue butterfly. Edwin got an A+ for effort that was for sure. It would have been quite a feat to find them in the meadow and pick enough for a vaseful.

A woman like you is the rarest treasure. – Edwin